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Normal Navy Operations?


I was professionally recommended in June. It is now two months after that phone call and I have been told there is still no status update on my final selection. I know the back ground investigation has already started because I have met with the investigator to clear up one minor omission in my SPFQ. (which I was told was not a big deal, just a technicality)

Here is what I was just told. Your medical was shipped to NAMI a month ago today. It was shipped there to review the broken jaw you had in high school.

I was looked at while at meps. It took all of 5 seconds to examine my jaw. I gave them a letter from a highly skilled oral surgeon stating it was a 100% recovery, before and after X-rays, and all medical documents. My jaw is literally stronger than before it was broken. Not to mention that it happened over 8 years ago! How in the world does it take over a month to look at something this open and closed? Is this normal routine for the Navy?

I am eager to start. I like to be prepared and plan ahead. As of now I am not able to do any of that and it is frustrating. I feel like I am the only one from June who has not received a final selection notice yet.



Well-Known Member
Hurry up and wait. Welcome to the Navy.

But seriously, if you had medical issues to review, I'm sure it is going to take a little while. It did for me. Just keep on top of it, and keep bugging your recruiter until he tells you something new.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I just got my final selection a week and a half ago and I was accepted in the May board. Give it time. The wait sucks, but your situation is very common.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Hurry up and wait. Welcome to the Navy.
True statement. I have had 1 advancing "X" in more than 2 weeks and I was originally supposed to rewing Friday....not going to happen with 19 more events. Things are better in the fleet though.
I like to be prepared and plan ahead.TK~

Sorry for the blatant threadjack. I´m applying for the October SNA boards. Is there any chance in hell I could be in OCS by Christmas or is that impossible? (given the best of circumstances).

best of luck thunderkiss


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the blatant threadjack. I´m applying for the October SNA boards. Is there any chance in hell I could be in OCS by Christmas or is that impossible? (given the best of circumstances).

best of luck thunderkiss

Sure. You could be in OCS by Christmas. You could probably be equally likely to go to OCS in March. No way to plan.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the blatant threadjack. I´m applying for the October SNA boards. Is there any chance in hell I could be in OCS by Christmas or is that impossible? (given the best of circumstances).

Sure you could be, but why would you want to go to OCS before Christmas? Wait for a class after the holidays so you don't have to take a mandatory two weeks of leave and end up with a negative leave balance.


Well-Known Member
Sure you could be, but why would you want to go to OCS before Christmas? Wait for a class after the holidays so you don't have to take a mandatory two weeks of leave and end up with a negative leave balance.
And have to go to OCS, leave and then go back (good luck trying to stay in shape).


I usually call him once a week. So I have checked about 9 times now. How much would you think is too often? I sure do feel like calling every day at this point.



Well-Known Member
I usually call him once a week. So I have checked about 9 times now. How much would you think is too often? I sure do feel like calling every day at this point.


Give him a reasonable amount of time between calls for something to happen. I personally would think a week is safe.

Or better yet, ask him when you should call back. Ask him how long he wants you to give him, and then call him that very day.


Active Member
TK - I was pro-rec'd for pilot in June also and am still waiting (as fast as I can) for final select notice. I've spoken with my recruiter and the secretary there a few times and nothing has changed. I am PQ'd, and the security check has begun, but no phone call or any word on what's going on other than "we'll call as soon as we hear anything"... works for me, but the waiting does suck.