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Northrop Grumman/Bell 407 for Fire-X unmanned resupply

Flying Toaster

Well-Known Member

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I'm just curious what the point is, or what the advantages of unmanned resupply are? Just because we can?


^Credit: Northrop Grumman

I remember there was a similar thread but I wasn't able to find it, feel free to merge.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Same as for any other UAS. Unlimited crew day, no pilots at risk. More to the point, fewer of those pain in the ass pilots at all!

Flying Toaster

Well-Known Member
More to the point, fewer of those pain in the ass pilots at all!

Well now you put it that way, it makes perfect sense.... :D

On a second reading I noticed this-

"“We see a lot of interest in optionally piloted vehicles in the future,” Fuqua says. “That capability is resident there, and could be developed in the future."

Any idea what the cases would be when you would and wouldn't want a pilot?


Now with even more awesome!
Any idea what the cases would be when you would and wouldn't want a pilot?

Well, most airlines are "optionally piloted". . .I mean, cruising along at FLXXX you don't really need a human pilot to track on an airway. Takeoff and landing? Maybe more need for a pilot there, even if it is only for the "warm fuzzy" that's in it.

I'm pretty sure when the Admiral rides along, he would rather have a pilot in the seat than HAL 9000.

Troops in contact, requesting CAS? I think human in the loop wins out.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Think about how much it costs to train pilots, run the training bases, and fly training flights in the fleet. A UAV doesn't need currency or qualifications.