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Not sure what to do, could use your advice!


New Member
Hey there all,
I'm new to this forum so here's the skinny:

I'm 26 turning 27 in June, I have 5 years prior Enlisted service (AM rate), and am currently in the middle of my junior year of college.

My degree will be a BS in History with a minor in Electronic Media and Film (Mass Comm essentially) if thats any help.

I'm looking at applying for OCS sometime in the next 6-8 months for the AMDO career field but I'm afraid my age and prior enlisted status will hinder my application process as well as progress through OCS.

Thoughts, idea's, comments....words of encouragement or discouragement?!


What is wrong with your prior enlisted status? Did you get in trouble or something? Otherwise I wouldnt see why being prior enlisted would hinder you. The age requirement for AMDO is commissioned by 35 years old, so you are good in that department. I dont see what is holding you up, go for it!


Registered User
I agree with the above. If anything, being a prior would help with the age. You should definitely apply!


The Shipmate formerly known as AT2.
Your age and prior enlisted time actually "fit the mold" in general for AMDO. Most of the AMDO's I worked for were prior E's and the majority of those were E-6+ that went LDO. One of my best friends did almost exactly what you want to do. He finished his degree and got picked up for OCS after being enlisted for 4 years. He's on his 2nd tour now as a JG. You are worried about a complete non-issue. You should be more concerned with your performance as an AM (evals, etc) and doing well in college. Those are 2 big things that will affect your chances, not age. If you haven't been a Dirtbag Sailor, your prior time should be a positive in your package, not a hinderance.


New Member
Very cool, yeah I have a squeaky clean record, no NJP's or Evals below 3.0 otherwise the GI Bill wouldn't be paying for college right now where I currently have a 3.2 GPA. I am more worried about getting older (I know, I know) and trying to get picked up for OCS as I hear rumors that officer recruiters hate prior-E's and don't want to work with them. I'm also concerned about being able to handle the stress of OCS; boot camp was a breeze but I know from officer friends that OCS is a totally different monster. No bullshit here, but Naval Aviation is where it's at, I get goosebumps when I think back to my days as an AM3.


Very cool, yeah I have a squeaky clean record, no NJP's or Evals below 3.0 otherwise the GI Bill wouldn't be paying for college right now where I currently have a 3.2 GPA. I am more worried about getting older (I know, I know) and trying to get picked up for OCS as I hear rumors that officer recruiters hate prior-E's and don't want to work with them. I'm also concerned about being able to handle the stress of OCS; boot camp was a breeze but I know from officer friends that OCS is a totally different monster. No bullshit here, but Naval Aviation is where it's at, I get goosebumps when I think back to my days as an AM3.

You are set. Just keep up the good work in college and graduate on time and stay out of trouble! No last minute DUI's or any involvement with the law.

As far as OCS goes, just embrace the suck! If you are in good physical shape and motivated ready for the program, just go for it! So many men and women before you have completed the program, much older, worse shape, and less motivation than you have.


Ron "Banty" Marron
Go for it, man!! BTDT...IMHO, nothing so great as trading the "crow" for bars.

It took some time & effort...but well worth it. :icon_wink


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
AMDO is a shrinking community, OCS wise, and Navywide in general. There are just very few quotas nationwide through OCS. As said, you are good with the prior service, especially as an AM, age won't hurt too much. It would be nice if your GPA was higher so you better rock the ASTB to make up for that. I love to see the Navy grow their own. Good luck!