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NROTC/ASTB question

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Alex Fowler

Registered User
Hey, sorry if someone has asked this before, I looked but couldn't find it. Anyway I was in Borders bookstore today killing time so I picked up an ASTB study guide and flipped thru one of the practice exams, and that thing scared the hell out of me. My question is, I'm starting NROTC in the fall so I won't be taking the ASTB for another 2 or 3 years, will they teach me the stuff I need to know on the test in class? I was fine on the English and math parts, it was just the mechanical and aviation stuff that got me. Will I learn this stuff in class or do I need to study it on my own??


"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"-U2

Ed Williams

Registered User
if you want to study up, any general aviation book will be more than fine. I wasn't in nrotc so i don't know what they are teaching, but i had no formal aviation training and just looking at some aviation magazines was enough to pass th etest.


Registered User
NROTC doesn't teach you the info for the ASTB, but all you need is the study book. Usually there are a bunch around the unit. I just studied straight from the book the weekend before my test and I did just fine.


Registered User
I agree, NROTC doesn't teach you the stuff you need to do well on the ASTB. Take the test in the study guide, but do it under real conditions i.e. time yourself in a quiet room. Which ROCT unit are you going to? I went to U of Arizona for a year then transferred to U of Minnesota...( don't ask me why, guess i really like hockey) There was a lot of extra ASTB gouge around my unit as well. Good luck but don't stress too much you have a lot of time being a 4th class and all. Right now worry about doing well in school and what you are gonna do this weekend. College is lots of fun :)
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