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NROTC at my school


New Member
I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering and plan to go to Mississippi State University. Mississippi State has a great engineering program. The problem is MSU has AFROTC. It's rival ole miss has NROTC.
I'm really want to go to MSU and not Ole Miss. I was wondering if you could contact the NROTC at Ole Miss and AFROTC at MSU and cross over.
In other words while I'm at MSU instead of Air Force I could be Navy, just taking ROTC with a bunch of Air Force guys.


Registered User
I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering and plan to go to Mississippi State University. Mississippi State has a great engineering program. The problem is MSU has AFROTC. It's rival ole miss has NROTC.
I'm really want to go to MSU and not Ole Miss. I was wondering if you could contact the NROTC at Ole Miss and AFROTC at MSU and cross over.
In other words while I'm at MSU instead of Air Force I could be Navy, just taking ROTC with a bunch of Air Force guys.

I took some AFROTC classes at my college and they people from different schools in their ROTC program, they had to drive there to take classes. My advice would be to call their program and to see what their options are.


I'm not dead yet....
What you're hoping is that MSU and Ole Miss have a cross town agreement so that you can go to MSU and still be in NROTC. Unfortunately Oxford and Starkville are too far apart. I went through NROTC and never heard of anyone being a navy midshipman in an air force/army ROTC unit. Might be time to try and figure out another way to get that navy commission you want. Look at OCS or going to a different school.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering and plan to go to Mississippi State University. Mississippi State has a great engineering program. The problem is MSU has AFROTC. It's rival ole miss has NROTC.
I'm really want to go to MSU and not Ole Miss. I was wondering if you could contact the NROTC at Ole Miss and AFROTC at MSU and cross over.
In other words while I'm at MSU instead of Air Force I could be Navy, just taking ROTC with a bunch of Air Force guys.
I hate to say it, but you're gonna have to make a choice based on what's most important to you...at this point anyway. I don't know all the details of your situation but you CAN go to MSU and still get a commission in the Navy. A couple opportunities that may be available to you are BDCP or straight up OCS post graduation. Both of these programs require no NROTC involvement. If your heart is set on that particular engineering program at MSU, then go for it. The most important thing in your life for the next few years, aside from family and friends, should be your education. Go where you think you'll be happiest and you have a much greater chance of being successful in school. And if you're successful in school, the other stuff will fall in line.