I am currently a high school senior and I plan on attending ISU for Aerospace engineering. I will aslo be attending the NROTC for the Marine option, and I want to go into aviation. I hope to become a helo pilot but my vision is 20/100... not so great. So my concern is that I won't be able to become an aviator. Is there any way that I can get laser surgery through the Marines to become an aviator, or will that disqualify me? Also, if so, when would the surgery happen? Even if I'm not able to become an aviator, I still wish to stay in the aviation field. I am also considering becoming and NFO if my eyesigt is an issue. There's another problem though... Are the NFO's becoming extinct? I still think there's hope for the glory of such people, like "Goose" in "Top Gun, regardless of technological revisions. I don't want to be stuck on the ground working on the planes/helos, I want to be in them!
-Thank you much for any help
-Thank you much for any help