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Nrotc Cp


So I did not get the 4 yr as I said in an earlier thread. I did however contact the CMU unit and emailed with Captain Bowman the CO. I know a physical and some other stuff is required before you go. Is there a way to get this done? Or am I supposed to wait till I get summer mailings or till I get there for the summer week? I'm just looking for some more info if anyone can provide any, and I don't really wanna bother the Captain again unless I really have to.

Thanks to all


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
If you're talking about going CP and starting this summer, I would get in touch w/ the ROTC recruiter for that unit, usually the freshman class advisor. He'll give you what info you may need. It's been a while, but my understanding is that you can start CP in the summer and then begin the fall semester and get any physical stuff you need taken care of during the academic year, all on the Navy's dime.

Long story short, call the accession's officer for the unit and if you're not sure who that is, you can politely ask the CO. Usually it's on the website, though.


Call the unit and ask to talk to their freshman advisor/recruiting officer... typically they are LTs and should be able to answer all of your questions and send you any info that you need.

edit:, yeah what he said.


Or better yet you can give one of the newly commissioned Ensigns or 2Lts a call, seeing as how they have nothing better to do. Trust me, I graduated from that unit 1 year ago, they will help you out. If you're thinking of going aviation, call and ask for LT. Peterson, he's a Hornet guy and can also help you out.


Well-Known Member
I called the unit at my school and told them I was interested in joining CP. They directed me to their recruiting officer and he e-mailed me an application and forms for the physical. They said they get about 20 CP applicants every summer and take about five.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
You definitely dont want to bother the CO. However you may want to call and talk to the recruiting Lt or one of the other O-3s who are attached to the NROTC unit. They should be able to point in the right direction.


They only take a certain number of CPs usually? Actually the Captain told me to email him with any further questions, but I thought it may be better to talk to the freshman LT.


I'm not dead yet....
While I was at Oregon State we would take nearly anyone who wanted to be a CP mid. It was usually the case that we would get more applications than mids who would show up for indoc week.

Things may also be different now that they're handing out fewer scholarships to CP-ers from what I've heard. Fewer were also being selected for advanced standing after their sophmore year.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
While I was at Oregon State we would take nearly anyone who wanted to be a CP mid. It was usually the case that we would get more applications than mids who would show up for indoc week.

Things may also be different now that they're handing out fewer scholarships to CP-ers from what I've heard. Fewer were also being selected for advanced standing after their sophmore year.

My expereince as well. Being a Freshman CP'er is different than being an "official" CP'er (where they've approved you to move through training and get your commission).