If I were a young whipper-snapper, I'd ensure my success in getting a scholarship by putting down a school that NEEDS students, say Univeristy of Idaho, Iowa State, etc (not to say that these schools are sub-standard, but most people don't want to go there). The chances of being selected and activating your scholarship to an IVY League school are slim....I've know lots of student that were selected for a Navy Scholarship to places like Cornell, MIT or Notre Dame, etc and then find out that they were not accepted by the University. Boom, scholarship gone....
Every NROTC has a comparable program...Nav Sci Classes, Clubs, activities, etc. I guess what I am trying to say is that the Scholarship selection process is a tough one and in order to ensure your success, make sure you leave your options open.
Every NROTC has a comparable program...Nav Sci Classes, Clubs, activities, etc. I guess what I am trying to say is that the Scholarship selection process is a tough one and in order to ensure your success, make sure you leave your options open.