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NROTC Scholarships


New Member
I am applying for the NROTC scholarship, I was wondering what creditials would really help me out? and this so far is my resume'

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities

-National Ocean Scholars Bowl 11th grade
Active Member
-Enviromental Science Club 10th 11th grades
Active Member
-Key club 10th 11th grades
Active Member
-Track and Field 10th 11th grades
100 hurdles, 300 hurdles, Long jump

Awards and Accomplishments

Leadership conferences
-National Youth Leadership Forum 11th grade

-Student of the month 10th grade

Community Activities
-100 hours community service at a nursing home
-Raised $2000 in care package items for 18 troops in Baghdad, Iraq.

GPA-3.0 unweighted
Taken 2 AP classes, and all core classes are CP


Making Recruiting Great Again
Wow those creditials were alot better than mine in high school.

My credentials:

1090 SAT score (back when it was 1600 total)
Treasurer of Miniature Golf Club
3.5 GPA (weighted)
Noted athletics: Frisbee golf

and thats it

Needless to say, I did NOT get the scholarship (but eventually I did!). But back to yours i'm certain your participation in top organizations (key club, leadership forum) and in school sports should help you out.


Registered User
They like leadership stuff a lot. You have "active member" on there a bunch, but they like candidates who are running things as opposed to just showing up. Not sure exactly what GPAs they are looking for these days, but yours may be a little low.

Here's the good news, you still have time to step up and take a leadership position or two. You also didn't list a SAT/ACT score so I'm assuming you haven't taken it yet. Study, study, study for that SAT, knock it out of the park, and that will help you out a lot. You probably also have at least another semester before you submit your package to get your get your grades up a bit.

Good luck man, but remember it's not the end of the world if you don't get picked up (College Program, 2/3-yr scholarship, and BDCP/OCS are all great oprions too).


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
In the past, class ranking has been a big item, as well. Like others have said, demonstrate more leadership.


I talk about this in the sticky, but I'll tell you what DID help people on last year's NROTC board that I recorded on:

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities

-National Ocean Scholars Bowl 11th grade
Active Member
-Enviromental Science Club 10th 11th grades
Active Member
-Key club 10th 11th grades
Active Member

+1 for extracurriculars, -1 for not being a "leader" - ie Pres, VP, Secretary, etc.

-Track and Field 10th 11th grades
100 hurdles, 300 hurdles, Long jump

+1 for sports, could be +2,3 if you pick up captain

Leadership conferences
-National Youth Leadership Forum 11th grade

-Student of the month 10th grade

Community Activities
-100 hours community service at a nursing home
-Raised $2000 in care package items for 18 troops in Baghdad, Iraq.

GPA-3.0 unweighted
Taken 2 AP classes, and all core classes are CP

+1 for leadership conference (i've never heard of it, but since it's national, someone on the board probably has)
+1 for the AP classes as long as you have As and Bs in them. If you have Cs, 0 poinits.

What do you want to major in? If it's math/science it'll get you more points...

Again, read the sticky...it hasn't changed much in a year. Good luck.



VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Score me please...


Would you mind scoring me?
  1. minority female
  2. SAT: 570 verbal, 550 math
  3. GPA: should be about 3.3-3.4 unweighted after my mid-year grades go in this week
  4. no class rank - school doesn't do it
  5. a number of different honors and advanced classes including AP Calculus
  6. native english, and speak 4 other languages (2 fluent - 1 modern, 1 ancient; 1 limited proficiency; 1 elementary proficiency)
  7. belted in a martial art, was ranked 8th in the nation, and 4th in Mid-Atlantic Region in the "female-under-18" bracket by the national sanctioning body (multiple tournament wins, titles, 25hrs/wk training for 2 years, etc.)
  8. team coach for a team in that martial art for each of two years
  9. varsity letter in cross-country, co-captain, and on county team (12th)
  10. varsity letter in outdoor track (12th grade projection - they did ask you to project 12th grade activity on the application, so this is my projection)
  11. one of 2 girls on the JV boy's wrestling team, & co-captain (9th)
  12. JV indoor track (9th)
  13. JV tennis (10th)
  14. other sport activities include sport climbing (technical rock climbing), weightlifting, swimming, horseback riding
  15. VP of one school club in 10th and another school club in 12th
  16. member of national honor society
  17. member of school choir (9th)
  18. volunteer work: 150hrs(9th), 182hrs(10th), 110hrs(11th), and 128hrs(12th) divided among hospital candy striping, elderly care, coaching kids, and other community services
  19. 4th place in a school musical contest
  20. Navy Junior ROTC (12th)
  21. NJROTC Drill Team (12th)
  22. VP and member of a church group (youth group) (under "Other Activities" section)
  23. won a local monthly essay contest and received a prize with a cash value (10th)
  24. Scholar Athlete Award (9th & 12th)
  25. National Latin Honor Society (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
  26. Also, how many points do you get for good essays? (my recruiter said mine are "outstanding")


go blue...

Would you mind scoring me?
  1. minority female

Thanks for putting that as your first attribute. I dunno, I just wouldn't even put it on AW at all, almost seems like you're really proud of it helping you out, rather than hoping to get in on merit. Flame away. I dunno, just kinda rubbed me the wrong way, but I understand it may rub a lot of people in a direction of their liking.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Thanks for putting that as your first attribute. I dunno, I just wouldn't even put it on AW at all, almost seems like you're really proud of it helping you out, rather than hoping to get in on merit. Flame away. I dunno, just kinda rubbed me the wrong way, but I understand it may rub a lot of people in a direction of their liking.

Just put it on there because I was copying down everything from my application which I thought might have any effect on a score, and this happens to be one of the things asked first on the app! If you go through the real online app, you'll see it asks for everything in about the order I listed it here. If the navy isn't looking for diversity and gender balance, fine, I don't get points for it - I really don't care. Why do they ask about it on the form then?


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c

Would you mind scoring me?
  1. minority female
  2. SAT: 570 verbal, 550 math
  3. GPA: should be about 3.3-3.4 unweighted after my mid-year grades go in this week
  4. no class rank - school doesn't do it
  5. a number of different honors and advanced classes including AP Calculus
  6. native english, and speak 4 other languages (2 fluent - 1 modern, 1 ancient; 1 limited proficiency; 1 elementary proficiency)
  7. belted in a martial art, was ranked 8th in the nation, and 4th in Mid-Atlantic Region in the "female-under-18" bracket by the national sanctioning body (multiple tournament wins, titles, 25hrs/wk training for 2 years, etc.)
  8. team coach for a team in that martial art for each of two years
  9. varsity letter in cross-country, co-captain, and on county team (12th)
  10. varsity letter in outdoor track (12th grade projection - they did ask you to project 12th grade activity on the application, so this is my projection)
  11. one of 2 girls on the JV boy's wrestling team, & co-captain (9th)
  12. JV indoor track (9th)
  13. JV tennis (10th)
  14. other sport activities include sport climbing (technical rock climbing), weightlifting, swimming, horseback riding
  15. VP of one school club in 10th and another school club in 12th
  16. member of national honor society
  17. member of school choir (9th)
  18. volunteer work: 150hrs(9th), 182hrs(10th), 110hrs(11th), and 128hrs(12th) divided among hospital candy striping, elderly care, coaching kids, and other community services
  19. 4th place in a school musical contest
  20. Navy Junior ROTC (12th)
  21. NJROTC Drill Team (12th)
  22. VP and member of a church group (youth group) (under "Other Activities" section)
  23. won a local monthly essay contest and received a prize with a cash value (10th)
  24. Scholar Athlete Award (9th & 12th)
  25. National Latin Honor Society (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
  26. Also, how many points do you get for good essays? (my recruiter said mine are "outstanding")

I'm just wondering if I will get enough points on my other stuff to offset my mediocre SAT and GPA. :confused: I know my GPA and SAT are very "average." :( Too bad that NROTC doesn't give any credit for the Writing Subscore on the SAT and doesn't even ask for the score - I did much better on them than on the Verbal and Math - I got a 710.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator

Would you mind scoring me?
  1. minority female
  2. SAT: 570 verbal, 550 math
  3. GPA: should be about 3.3-3.4 unweighted after my mid-year grades go in this week
  4. no class rank - school doesn't do it
  5. a number of different honors and advanced classes including AP Calculus
  6. native english, and speak 4 other languages (2 fluent - 1 modern, 1 ancient; 1 limited proficiency; 1 elementary proficiency)
  7. belted in a martial art, was ranked 8th in the nation, and 4th in Mid-Atlantic Region in the "female-under-18" bracket by the national sanctioning body (multiple tournament wins, titles, 25hrs/wk training for 2 years, etc.)
  8. team coach for a team in that martial art for each of two years
  9. varsity letter in cross-country, co-captain, and on county team (12th)
  10. varsity letter in outdoor track (12th grade projection - they did ask you to project 12th grade activity on the application, so this is my projection)
  11. one of 2 girls on the JV boy's wrestling team, & co-captain (9th)
  12. JV indoor track (9th)
  13. JV tennis (10th)
  14. other sport activities include sport climbing (technical rock climbing), weightlifting, swimming, horseback riding
  15. VP of one school club in 10th and another school club in 12th
  16. member of national honor society
  17. member of school choir (9th)
  18. volunteer work: 150hrs(9th), 182hrs(10th), 110hrs(11th), and 128hrs(12th) divided among hospital candy striping, elderly care, coaching kids, and other community services
  19. 4th place in a school musical contest
  20. Navy Junior ROTC (12th)
  21. NJROTC Drill Team (12th)
  22. VP and member of a church group (youth group) (under "Other Activities" section)
  23. won a local monthly essay contest and received a prize with a cash value (10th)
  24. Scholar Athlete Award (9th & 12th)
  25. National Latin Honor Society (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
  26. Also, how many points do you get for good essays? (my recruiter said mine are "outstanding")

I'd say you're a pretty solid candidate. Good balance of athletics, activities and leadership. Combo of sports and JROTC is also a good thing....at least it was in 2001 when I applied! Knock 'em dead in the interview and you have a great chance.


Good luck to all those applying for the 4yr ride. That being said DSL, I'd be very careful about that kind of attitude. Yes the Navy is looking to be balanced, but its also looking for the best qualified people to do the job. If someone gets the 4yr then great. Instead of worrying "what your chances are" I'd recommend you just put what you have and wait to see what happens. The 4yr isn't the end all be all. Freshman year my indoc class started with 27 kids. (6 of those were 4 year rides) By the end of freshman year all but 2 of them had attrited. Everyone else I graduated with had to do their time and picked up 2-3 year scholarships. College and the Navy (or Marine Corps) are a totally different beast then anything you've been involved with before. Standby for disappointment. Its going to happen a lot. I'm sure those who have served on boards before can tell you the mechanics of it a lot better then I can. Do what you can, take the ride if you get it. Otherwise show up, bust your a$$ and try to pick up a 3 year scholarship.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Good luck to all those applying for the 4yr ride. That being said DSL, I'd be very careful about that kind of attitude. Yes the Navy is looking be balanced, but its also looking for the best qualified people to do the job. If someone gets the 4yr then great. Instead of worrying "what your chances are" I'd recommend you just put what you have and wait to see what happens. The 4yr isn't the end all be all. Freshman year my indoc class started with 27 kids. (6 of those were 4 year rides) By the end of freshman year all but 2 of them had attrited. Everyone else I graduated with had to do their time and picked up 2-3 year scholarships. College and the Navy (or Marine Corps) are a totally different beast then anything you've been involved with before. Standby for disappointment. Its going to happen a lot. I'm sure those who have served on boards before can tell you the mechanics of it a lot better then I can. Do what you can, take the ride if you get it. Otherwise show up, bust your a$$ and try to pick up a 3 year scholarship.

I'm aiming for the Virginia Military Institute. :icon_smil I wonder what the proportion is of cadets at VMI that have and do not have ROTC scholarships? :confused: Is there anyone here who attends VMI who can tell me this?

I think that being a cadet at VMI or another military college (I applied for The Citadel too) will be tougher then even other ROTC programs. I'm looking forward to the challenge. Hope I get accepted. :tongue2_1:D


Registered User
to DSL1990, only thing I would say is to boost your SAT scores. I think those are barely above the minimum, otherwise it looks pretty good.

p.s. you worked too hard in high school :D