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Nuclear Weapons


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
So before, when they thought it was 5100, we were safe. Now that they know it's 5113, we're screwed? Maybe I'm missing something obvious...


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
More than I guessed we had, but, again, who cares? 1000, 5000, 5110, 5113? What's the difference, you can only make radioactive rubble bounce so many times.


Why is it dumb?

I don't believe in the releasing of secrets concerning subjects such as this when other countries are trying to make nuclear weapons is very smart. This would actually have the opposite intention I believe. Instead of Iran or North Korea wanting to develop several hundred they will now want to build several thousand as well mainly to surpass us. I also believe countries such as Iran and North Korea want to build nuclear arms for the purpose that they believe it will put them on an even keel in negotiations and keep other countries from messing with them by placing sanctions on them. I believe the approximation known was a better handling of the situation and as we disarm we give slightly larger approximations of disarmament as well. I also do not believe we should ever fully disarm either. I think of it also as countries that want nuclear weapons will obtain them by any means necessary. Not having a couple of your own will do more harm than good unless we have an adequate and proven means to destroy any launched on our country. Also, other countries are not coming forward with their intentions or actual number of nuclear warheads and I know this has that intention so we move towards more disarmament. However, I believe there will always be nuclear weapons unless something better comes along.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
You're "nuking" this. Numbers that big don't mean much. They are still hidden across the globe, safe, and ready to be used as a deterrent should anyone want to rattle a saber at us. The most important nuclear weapon is the first one.


he will die without safety brief
You misspelled "took the stupid Iranian talking point off the table."


Retired Strike Pig Driver
My bet is that number is the result of some fairly creative accounting.

Most interesting is what Sec Clinton referred to there as "the junkpile". When weapons are retired and dismantled, the "physics package" -- the nuclear heart of the bomb -- doesn't just disappear into thin air. It may not be physically installed in a weapon, but it still exists. And we have 50 years of weapons-grade nuclear material that has been created and weaponized.

So, that may be a number that represents weapons that can be launched tomorrow morning, but should the world situation change and a need for more emerges, we'll be okay.


Super Moderator
......Instead of Iran or North Korea wanting to develop several hundred they will now want to build several thousand as well mainly to surpass us......

They would have a very difficult time making more than a few, very hard for them to make hundreds if they wanted and pretty much out of the realm of reality for them to make thousands.


They would have a very difficult time making more than a few, very hard for them to make hundreds if they wanted and pretty much out of the realm of reality for them to make thousands.

Currently you are correct and I agree. I don't think it is out of the realm of reality for them to make that many in the future. I also believe it is not out of the question for other countries to sell them some as well after they have built a few.


Super Moderator
Currently you are correct and I agree. I don't think it is out of the realm of reality for them to make that many in the future. I also believe it is not out of the question for other countries to sell them some as well after they have built a few.

They would be bankrupt long before they got there, nukes are not a cheap or easy endeavor.