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Previous Army Reserve looking to take advantage of the BCPD program, and just looking for advice or knowledge I should know beforehand.

So I am preparing to take the OAR this Thursday, I've dealt with the fair share of recruiters so I just wanted to first ask if the information was correct since only, you can view the version of the BCPD program which was uploaded in June of this year. Here is some statements I was told if anyone can offer some clarification or add on's. The recruiter I'm working with isn't exactly responsive.

I was told that I take the OAR and aim to score between 40-50, depending on said score, I would then go to MEPS after a packet is put together, and then I'd go to make sure I'm physically fit and sound of mind, which I am. I wasn't in previously when they had Genesis, but she had said they only pull Hospital records. Then after, I would get a packet submitted to be apart of the program. If I pass everything, I will graduate in Spring of 2026 and then wait to be shipped to OCS.

So just my general questions-

-Does the score on the OAR matter as far as which type of career you would have as an officer? I've looked over some of the programs, and as silly as it sounds, EOD sounds bad, and exactly what I would be looking to do. (We can all dream big okay). My degree is in Social Work, but as far as I read, some of the programs don't have Bachelor standards, just as long as you have a degree.

-The public document I went over reads weird honestly, and so what she told me was that I would make active E-5 pay while finishing my degree. Once I graduate, I would go to Reserve E-4 pay until OCS. At OCS, it would be active E5- pay again, until I were to graduate, and then make OE1 pay. This is correct? Technically any participates are apart of the IRR, so it was weird to me that they would offer E-5 active pay. One of the main reasons I am asking if because I do work full time (40+ hours a week), and would have a full time student schedule. So if its true then I would be able to quit my job, go to school full time and pick up something PT.

Say I do test well, graduate-- Would my packet be sent to the board while I would be in School, or after graduation? She made it sound as though it would be one thing, then the other so I am just generally curious as to know when I would chosen to go to OCS. This is probably a question I could ask her on Thursday, but just wanting someone else's perspective.

As well if anyone would like to add anything, PLEASE DO!


I am 27, 4'11 female- have always been physically fit, but have worked the past couple months on training more. The Army weren't swimmers so I will work on that as well as running- but pull ups, and push ups I feel as though I have down and could do rather well- Should I consider OCS like Basic Training?

I can't ask too many questions or think of anything to ask considering I haven't even tested yet, but I always like to know more ahead of time going into something- if anyone would like to share their experience (especially female experience), I would love to know!


Making Recruiting Great Again

Welcome to the forum. The "new guy" (or should I say "new gal" in this case) posts are strongly discouraged since there's already a ton of information at your disposal, from OAR study material to the BDCP program to even "female perspective of OCS" threads out there.

Take the time to search around and find your answers - 99% of the time it's likely been asked and answered many times over. Best of luck!