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OCC- 185 Five Week Board

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Registered User
Bad news,

I got dropped at the five week board (Occ-185). Good new, The colonel said I could come back. I need pointers in the following areas:

- Packing the Alice Pack( Hikes were fine but a few stuff would fall out)
- Time management (Got only marginal on GMS I, Tactics, I, and Land Nav Written)
- Zig Zag Logs
The sarg instructors had a filed day with me. So how do I blend in the next time. I return to OCS?



Registered User
accepted to OCC186

I just found out I got an air slot and will be atttending OCC 186 this June 6 till Aug. 13. I didnt think my PFT was high enough but i guess getting it infront of that early board helped! I am from Missouri maybe that helped me some how. Anyone else going to be attending?
Kirk Matson
One more thing is the OSO weekend on April 17 weekend very beneficial to go to. What do you learn that weekend?
Thanks for the responses


Registered User
I'm not sure I understand the situation. So did you get sent home in week 5 because you weren't performing well enough academicly in the areas you posted, and because of problems packing your alice pack? Also what are the zig zag logs?


Registered User
I just graduated from the 185 class.. some advice would be for the test you didn't do well in just study more...stay up with your moonbeam and don't sleep as much. The test are on an 8th grade level and are pretty damn easy with just a little bit of effort. With your alice pack you just have to sit on the damn thing and keep stuffing it until it fits. If you were having problems before the fifth week God help you cuz after that we starting putting much more in our packs. About blending I would recomend not being the last one ready all the time, and not draw a lot of attention to yourself. Ask your peers questions don't ask the sgt instructors. Also stay up in pt runs cuz you fall out its pretty damn obvioius considering most people don't...One thing that helped me was really preparing for the next day the night before everything for pt, the morning, have everything laid out and ready.I wish you luck


Registered User
roach - oohrah 1st platoon!
if you got dropped from 185 at 5 week boards, good luck. no offense intended, but you better prepare a lot better next time, because you had to be lost to even go to 5 week boards. by the way, what platoon were you in?
tests? did anyone actually study for those?


Registered User
I think that the individual who is asking these questions is Rameriez from 1st platoon. I think that 9roach9 is 2nd Lt. Roach from 1st platoon, am I right? Who is USMC03? By the way, this is 2nd Lt. Cotta from 1st platoon as well.
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