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Occ 194/195


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know for sure if there are any pilot slots available for OCC 194/195? I've heard conflicting info on this for some time. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
The conflicting info is between my OSO and posts I've seen on this board. He has told me that slots are filled, yet I see posts here within the past few days/weeks of people submitting packages for the November board for OCC 194/195.

I will call him again, but don't want to hound him on it. Was wondering if anyone here had an explanation. Thx..


Charlie dont surf!
does OCC compete within districts like PLC?? I was helping my OSO with some things last time they were at my school and he mentioned to me that they had one air slot available for OCC. Not sure what class it was for, but he pretty much echoed everything that I have been hearing about air slots for OCC being unavailable. Dont know if this really helps, but im trying.

Good luck.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
The conflicting info is between my OSO and posts I've seen on this board. He has told me that slots are filled, yet I see posts here within the past few days/weeks of people submitting packages for the November board for OCC 194/195.

I will call him again, but don't want to hound him on it. Was wondering if anyone here had an explanation. Thx..

Hmmm lets think about this one for just a second. On the one hand you have an internet forum, all in all a pretty good source of info and gouge but the internet nonetheless on the other you have the Officer whose primary job is to track such things. I'm going out on a limb and going to say the OSO is probably the more reliable source of info. submitted packages does not equate always to slots available.

Be persistant but I wouldnt go with "the internet says there are slots"


Hangar Four
Can it be possible that thull is in a district that has no pilot slots left?

Yes...or maybe its just that all the air slots are full and there is some bad information floating around saying there are some slots open...either could be true...


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the feedback guys.. I was wondering the same thing about certain districts being full while others may not be. Will post the latest when I hear from my OSO. thx again.


Well-Known Member
Air Slots

I was in the same boat. Ill be graduating from college in May 07 and was applying for OCC in the summer... but there were no air slots.

However, after talking to my OSO, I applied for PLC (would have to stay an extra semester to re-qualify for PLC, and pick up a minor) there were plenty of slots left. Which is odd because I would have been going to the same class, just a differnt program...unfourtunatley my previous temporary medical disqualifier is now permanent according to the docs at MEPS. :icon_rage

I guess its just one of those things that doesnt make sense.


Registered User
My situation , FWIW:

On Monday before Thanksgiving my OSO called me saying that one SNA contract has opened up, but due to the holiday and the fact that the board met on the Monday after Thanksgiving, I needed to drive down and get a current PFT score the next morning so that the package could be sent in Wed morning. I believe it was for 194, but thinking back there may have been some confusion, as there was talk about January this and that but I also remember hearing the number 195. Either way I'd be happy to have it, and it's besides the point. I haven't seen anyone else who said their OSO called them that Monday, and I have no idea what that means. Basically, we're gonna see some crazy stuff happening with air contracts, and bottom line is that we're just going to have to rely on our OSO's. Afterall, like skidkid pointed out, no matter what you hear from folks on here, you aren't going to be able to argue with the OSO.


OCC-169 Grad
OCC Boarding

Boards held for the Officer Candidate Course are held by each individual coast. You have the Eastern Recruiting Region (ERR) and the Western Recruiting Region (WRR) which are separated by the Mississippi river. Depending on what side of that river you fall is your respective recruiting region for the Marine Corps.

Each Region receives its mission from Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) and then gives it to the Recruiting Regions, which then give it to individual recruiting Districts in their Recruiting Region. There are 6 total Districts for the Marine Corps. 3 Districts per region. The mission is given out every fiscal year which starts in October of every year.

As it stands today, MCRC has no need for additional OCC pilots, with some exceptions. The exceptions are usually very highly qualified applicants. Therefore, if your OSO is asking you to submit, it's probably because 1) Your highly qualified 2) To make you look good for future boards (i.e. showing persistence). However, if your OSO is submitting you, there's a reason behind it, and it most likely won't hurt you.

Will the mission/requirement for more OCC Pilots change. Only time will tell.

I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Boards held for the Officer Candidate Course are held by each individual coast. You have the Eastern Recruiting Region (ERR) and the Western Recruiting Region (WRR) which are separated by the Mississippi river. Depending on what side of that river you fall is your respective recruiting region for the Marine Corps.

Each Region receives its mission from Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) and then gives it to the Recruiting Regions, which then give it to individual recruiting Districts in their Recruiting Region. There are 6 total Districts for the Marine Corps. 3 Districts per region. The mission is given out every fiscal year which starts in October of every year.

As it stands today, MCRC has no need for additional OCC pilots, with some exceptions. The exceptions are usually very highly qualified applicants. Therefore, if your OSO is asking you to submit, it's probably because 1) Your highly qualified 2) To make you look good for future boards (i.e. showing persistence). However, if your OSO is submitting you, there's a reason behind it, and it most likely won't hurt you.

Will the mission/requirement for more OCC Pilots change. Only time will tell.

I hope this helps.

Hey...thanks for the info..I'm actually being submitted for 195 (somewhat recent news). Hoping for the best :)