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OCS-189 NFO applicants?

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Registered User
Anyone here applying to OCS-189 as a NFO applicant? Is it easier, harder, or about the same in terms of difficulty to get accepted into OCS as a NFO applicant? Are there any Marine officers out there who are NFO's and would be willing to post their experiences? All comments and posts are appreciated. Good luck to everyone, and stay motivated!


Registered User
I'm still working on my application, but I'm hoping to get it in for 189. Yea, I'm cuttin it close, and if I make it, it'll be a miracle. I made the decision to apply in January. At that time I was completely out of shape from a desk job the past 4 years and little to no excersize. Starting at 250+ lbs, I'm now down to 220 and still working like a mad man to get in shape for the PFT. If I don't get my application in on time it'll be due to the PFT. I'd like to apply as pilot, but I don't have the time or money for PRK right now, and I just wanna be in a cockpit. If I don't make the deadline with my app for 189, I will submit for 190 and seriously consider PRK. A few more stats:

ASTB: 6/7/7
ASVAB: TBD - ACT I took in my junior year of HS wasn't high enough.
GPA: 3.0
College: Whitworth - BS in Computer Science and BS in Math.
age: 26 (27 in July, yea - cuttin it close on age).
weight: currently 220 - trying to get down to 170-180.
LOR: Fire Chief, professors, bosses, coworkers (1 a former enlisted Marine).


Registered User
A friend of mine (she is a girl), is also applying for NFO this summer. She is really anxious since she heard that everything else is already filled up and there are only about 6 slots available for NFO.


Registered User
I broke my arm two weeks ago, but here are her stats. Best of luck to all other applicants.

ASTB: 5/6/6
SAT: 1070
GPA: 3.65
College: HPU (Hawaii Pacific) - BS in Forensics.
PFT: 235, but getting better
Prior Coast Guard
Perfect Vision
No Waviers
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