Curious to know if anyone has any experience with prescription meds and OCS? I am aware that all non-prescription meds are confiscated during the training, but what about ones for which you have a prescription?
I have been taking 400mg Motrin for low back pain, as I have a minor scoliosis as a result of a hip offset. While this can be taken care of OTC, I went ahead and got a prescription hoping that by the time I get to OCS (hopefully in 12 months) I will be able to keep it. Any info would be a great help. Thanks.
I have been taking 400mg Motrin for low back pain, as I have a minor scoliosis as a result of a hip offset. While this can be taken care of OTC, I went ahead and got a prescription hoping that by the time I get to OCS (hopefully in 12 months) I will be able to keep it. Any info would be a great help. Thanks.