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OCS application questions


I have heard several people on here saying they are pre-req. What does this mean? How did you become pre-req? If you are pre-req are you certain to get a SNA spot if thats what you applied for? When do you do the PRT and MEPS? I have read that you do the PRT no later than 30 days and no earlier than 14 days before you leave for OCS. I have also heard of people doing it for their application so which is it? I assume MEPS would be around the same time and slightly before the PRT is this correct? How can I get my hands on the Marine gouge that I have heard everyone say is a great study guide? Thanks.


Registered User
First of all almost all of these questions are answered all over this board. Not being mean, just letting you know that there is sooooo much information on here and most people have usually asked and been answered previously. I will try and answer the questions that I know the answers too.

- Pro Rec is when you have submitted your application, ASTB score, LOR's, etc. They have went to the board and the board said "yes, we want this person"
- Once you get pro rec you do your PFA and Medical, and is submitted. If that stuff goes smooth then you are final select.
- It depends on the recruiter, but usually MEPS and PFA is done after Pro Rec. Some will let you do it before and get it out of the way.
- The Marine Gouge is under the ASTB section on this forum.

Hope that helps!


Thanks for the info! I have been on this site for at least 6 hours over the past several days and I've searched several things already. I understand what you mean with finding the info on here because there is so much. I ended up finding the gouge shortly after I posted and have been reviewing it since then but thanks for that as well. I didn't know the recruiter was the one that dictated when you did your PFA or physical, I thought it was more organized than someone saying I want you to do it before or after. I was thinking from the perspective that if someone wasn't getting a nod then why do the physical and PFA even if the recruiter thought an individual was a sure fire lock. As my knowledge and other posts I have read on here agree that it is the board that determines who gets in or not so I am sorry for over thinking this question and not finding a substantial answer. I knew what Pro Rec was I thought they were talking about something different... Sorry about this post.... It is offical that this was a waste of space and time for you kidday03. I truly appreciate you taking the time and replying!