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OCS combined

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Registered User
What is the difference between OCS combined and OCS Split. And is it better to do it all at once instead of going back again.


Registered User
Others may be able to answer this better (I have never been before but am looking forward to the privilege of attending OCC 187).

OCS combined is for those who are already out of college or who are in their Junior and or Senior year in college (they missed the opportunity to attend the 6 week program because they were too far along in school).

I've heard varying opinions on which is the better route. If you are a Freshman or Sophomore in college I would recommend the PLC program and do the two, 6 week sessions.

My own opinion would be to get it all over with at once. Take my advice with a grain of salt though, since I don't have any experience either way.


Do it all at ones if you can. Enjoy your summer; drink beer, see women, have fun. There is no reason why you should not want to avoid a second trip to OCS if you can.


Registered User
I would suggest taking the PLC Juniors and Seniors route. I believe you stand a better chance of making it through if you do the 2 six weeks. People's bodies start REALLY breaking around week 5 or 6 and if you get injured week 6 or 7 in the combined program, your kind of SOL. I can think of 3 candidates off hand from my platoon in Seniors who would not of made it through the combined program because of injuries in the 4th and 5th week. On the other hand, after juniors you may not want to come back for seniors :D (which is far more physically brutal). So take it for what it's worth, you can get it over with all at once or play it safe and do the 2 six weeks. Good Luck


Arctic Alpha
I would say do it in 10 weeks because you only have to go one time and you don't have to waste two summers. What he was saying about bodies breaking 5 or 6 weeks into the course really isn't that true, although your body does start to get worn down, you won't really have to worry about breaking yourself. That's more along the lines of chance.


Registered User
Well the difference is the pace of the training. You don't do 4 major events a week in combined so the injuries shouldn't stack up so quicky. I did the PLC route and that's what I would recommend to you simply because you can experience what its all about and then you have a year or two to think about it. Also, you can go back much better prepared when it really counts. That's just my two cents though, i'm sure everyone has a biased opinion on the matter. Goodluck.


Dean of Students
Go the juniors/seniors route. If only so you have the joy of graduating twice, "Stop...back in the chute!"


lol, the motivating drill master. It was alot worse at the MCRD. We did about 50 chute runs i.e the whole company, staff included.

Combined is gradual, the 6 week program is fast paced. You hit the road running, there is hardly anytime to warm up to things.


You're entering a world of pain
I've heard that entrance to combined is more difficult. IE your PFT has to be much higher than in plc, and there are less slots. Anyone know if this is bullsh*t?


Registered User
Correct me if I'm wrong but another thing to consider is that the longer you're in the program (2 separate summers), the more you'll make when you get commissioned. Don't the summers count as years of service in the pay scale?


Registered User
My experience with candidates in our recruiting district is that the pft scores for plc applicants were lower than those for OCC applicants - that is not to say some of the plc guys weren't killer on the pft. Not to downplay the accomplishments of others, but it is easier to get into the plc program than to apply for the OCC program once you are out of college (this comes from my own observations and what the gunny in our office told me). It might be due to future fiscal year planning, I'm not sure.

Franklin is correct on his comment about pay.


Registered User
I think it is a personal preference. I myself did the two summers. I sucks seeing the bridge the second time around when you first get to OCS. During Srs you pretty much combine the whole 10 weeks into only 6 weeks which keeps you very busy.
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