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OCS dates and gender??

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Registered User
This is probably a stupid question, but does being female effect what OCS date you get? I mean, are there a certain number of females required to be in each class?

- spider


Registered User
Hey Spiderwoman,
I kinda had the same question. I spoke to my recruiter today and by settling for entering supply corp, I'll get to OCS sooner, like by fall. If I stuck with my original goal of NFO, I wouldn't get in until June '03, if that. I guess it's meant to be though b/c I have a bus. mgmt. degree, I have years of management experience...so, what ever. What are you going for, when do you anticipate OCS? I pray there are other girls there with me. PULEEZ!! (I just think it would suck so bad that all the guys had each other for companionship-so to speak- and every night, I would have to go to my room by myself.) :)


Registered User
I do not know what you are interested in, and I definitely don't want to say anything bad about supply corps, but I think that aviation is well worth the wait. We are talking about a career decision here. I have been in the navy for 6 years and supply is by no means exciting. The supply officers that I knew really liked their jobs, but maybe it has to do with personality. I am just saying that if flying is what you want to do, then don't settle for something else.


Registered User
dancing, I have to agree with kaiangel on this one. I'm 25 years old, I graduated college when I was 22 and I've been working in information systems making great money for 3 years. However, notice I said "making great money" because I made that choice, to take the money, and now after doing what I do well, and establishing a very promising career I'm noticing that I'm not content because I didn't go after what I truly love. When I fly there is nothing like it, and I truly love the time that I spend in the air. Imagine being paid for that, and being able to do that throughout life. It makes the day to day going to work not sound so bad. If it is something that you have a heart set on, I can assure you that settling just to get in will leave you with regrets later. Waiting tables and waiting for an OCS date wouldn't be too bad, and the wait would be a drop in the bucket compared to the time you will be in your career field. It just sounds like you are a victim of some persuading by your recruiter. The recruiter is probably right, you will have to wait, but you need to think about what you want with your life.


Registered User
Hello Everyone,

I am a female and I am going to OCS and have been in the Navy for 8 years. I was approved for NFO in June to go June of 03. I don't know if OCS dates are affected by gender, but I can find that out easily enough; probably won't have an answer until tomorrow.

It's a great thing and, Dancing, if you want to fly, I would take the June slot - we'd probably be there together or close to the same time.It would also give you even more time to prepare for the physical fitness side of OCS - I've run many PRT's, a half marathon and 5K's, but I know OCS will still be a challenge.

Anyhow, if you have any questions or need any advice, just let me know.



Registered User

If you've run that much, the running will not be a challenge for you. i was more of a runner before i went to OCS, and I feel like i got out of cardiovascular shape while i was there. good luck to both of you.

Matt L.


Registered User
Well, I kinda feel I have to settle for supply. I have two misdemeanor convictions on my record. I think if they see those, they will never accept me for NFO. I have all the experience necessary for supply. Please, let me know what you think. I guess I could still go for NFO, but I have to think my chances are pretty slim with the whole record thing behind me. BTW, one charge is for a fight and the other is for a DWI. Shrug* Nothing I can do about it now. We'll see if the Navy will even take me. :> I would appreciate any feedback on the misdeamors...and how much they will hold me back, if you know anything about this kind of stuff. Thanks


Registered User
I think a lot of it is going to depend on how recent the misdemeanors are. I don't know that it would change your chances from getting supply or NFO, but I could be wrong.


Your MOM!
If you are honest about them, I don't think they would be a problem. Everyone makes mistakes. Quit dancing around and go for what you really want. If they say no, then you at least tried.

Don't sweat the small stuff!

Edited by - Vic on 07/10/2002 13:25:30


Registered User
I agree, time to settle comes AFTER you have exhausted your means of obtaining what it is that you truly want. You haven't even attempted what you want yet.


Registered User
I was accepted into the NFO program in December and am going to OCS 24Aug with my original class date being 17Aug. I'm female, finishing my degree this summer, no flight experience, so I have no clue why the Navy is pushing me into OCS so soon.


Registered User

Why haven't we met? Sounds like a female version of myself a few years back. You didn't fight the cop that arrested you did you? Anyway, to make a long story short, the fighting thing didn't affect me one iota. Ghost may be right though. My incursion with the law happened a few years back.

A posteriori

Edited by - Shepherd on 07/11/2002 22:20:22


Registered User

With the DWI, I did get an attached "interfering with the duties of a police officer" (that charge got dropped), b/c I took off my handcuffs. :D "Whoops, were those supposed to stay on???" he he he....I'm feisty. Anyhoo....it happens. Different person now...live and learn. That was almost 3 years ago, but it feels like FOREVER! I am so excited to get this stuff underway. I wanna get going! I think I'll do so well and kick major ass while having fun! But don't get me wrong, I am ready to work my ass off as well. EXCITING! So, Shepherd, you better have a profile...cause I'm going to go check it out now. :) TTYL


Registered User
dancing, with 3 years between the incident, just claim it and put in an explanation and that there haven't been any issues since this incident. I think with that much time they will most likely overlook the incident.
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