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OCS Flight slots

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Registered User
I've just now begun doing some research into commisioning programs. Now for all of you that have already submitted packages for OCS, is it possible to get a guaranteed flight slot? If so, what are the steps? Detailed please! Thanks


Registered User
Yes, it's possible to get a guaranteed flight slot. All you have to do differently is to inform your OSO that you want to go air, not ground. You will also have to take the ASTB which is the Navy/Marine Corps Aviations standard test battery and take a flight physical. Everything else is the same as the ground people. Good luck on your application!


Registered User

Here is the procedure. I may leave some stuff out on accident.

1.Fill out your application. This includes stuff like extracurricular activities, criminal record, etc. Also, you need to have reference forms filled out.

2. Take the ASTB. You will do this at your OSO's office. It is a test that includes spacial perception, mechanical skills, and biography. If you fail it, then you cannot take it for 6 months (or something like that. Just pass it the first time.)

3. Take the PFT (physical fitness test)

4. Take the flight physical. This is typically an all day ordeal.

5. After you pass the ASTB, PFT, flight physical, and the OSO recommends you, you will be contracted. This means that you are signing a 5.5 to 8 yr commitment after flight school. This commitment is void if you are not accepted. This contract garantees you a flight slot if selected.

6. Your application and waiver submittals (if you need them) will be sent out.

7. If accepted, you will go to OCS and graduate.

8. After being commisioned, you go to TBS for 6 months.

9. Finally you go to flight school.

Hope this helps you.


Registered User
i was wondering if anyone knew the possibilities of changing contracts say from ground to air or air to ground.


Registered User
I scored a 5.6 out of 9.9 on the ASVB (the test they give in order to contract as an Aviation option for OCS). Does anyone know how people who have scored around there have performed at flight school? (i.e. how many make it through? what do they typically fly?) Or if anyone knows where i can look that info up that would be great.

Semper Fi
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