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Just a thread for anyone who is applying for this year's Air Vehicle Pilot aka Air Vehicle Operator board for OCS. Good luck to anyone applying!


To anyone on this site interested or who stumbled upon this, here are some facts about this program:

You are commissioned as an WO1, not an O-1.
Acceptance rate is around 20%, last year 14 were accepted out of 62, only 3 were from street, the rest fleet. This is a program heavily focused on recruiting from enlisted ranks.
Minimum requirement is an associate degree.
Max age is 32, but age waivers are granted pretty easily, a lot of people accepted in the past two years were over age limits and waivers were approved.
You will not take an ASTB/OAR for this package, but a new test called the SUPER (also called SUPER84/86). Navy Officer Recruiters should be able to help you out with finding a place to take it, anywhere that issues an ASTB will issue a SUPER.
Packages due JUL24, board convenes AUG24, results should be announced SEP24.

Facts about the AVP designation:

Air Vehicle Operator/Pilot for the MQ-25, an UAV focused on aerial refueling. It is semi-autonomous. AVP's will go through flight school though.
AVP's will conduct initial flight training in Pensacola before going to Pax River, a temporary FRS,TEST and Development squadron.
Future AVP duty stations proposed are Point Mugu (already UAV operations undergoing there), Norfolk, and Iwakuni.
Shore duty unknown for now, but proposed options include instructor duty and MQ-4C airframe.
A brand new warfare device has been created for the AVP designation, the AVO wings. AVP's will be allowed to wear them.

I am still deciding whether or not to put a package in this cycle myself, considering I did it last year, but all my info here is from multiple sources, including the first set of AVP's selected and the most recent cycle. This is all we know. Competitiveness has not yet been established but SUPER scores above a 103, (minimum is 96 I believe) a good GPA and strong LOR's are important. On FLTEMPS I noticed a lot of people selected were E5+ with NAM's and a good TIS, so experience may be important to the board.


New Member
I'm interested in applying to this board as well. I got a 118 on the SUPER on my first attempt. Curious to see how competitive that is considered.


New Member
I didn’t end up applying this year. Slightly regretting it. Hoping to try next year! I’m super curious where shore duty options will expand and if any other duty stations would be added. I’d be completely sold if Whidbey island was an option.