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OCS info and dates


Registered User

I have searched the forums and still found nothing. I am living in the DC area, currently have a masters in CJ, work with the Fed govt, speak arabic. I am looking to go as Intel Officer. I am looking to take the astb this month sometime and found some good studyguides on this forum, but there old since there is no more Bio(please post new ones only). What I am looking to verify is I was told that if I apply know and take the astb and get 50 or higher than it takes till august for the boards and maybe till december to even start doing my drills before they even send me out to training. I am non-prior 25yrs old. I was told that I all I need to do is go to RH for 2 weeks for training and the rest of training is done on my drills? (please confirm anyone such as rec, current officer in DC area). I want to get in earlier, is there anyone in my area or someone who is a point of contact for boards intel that can either give me a date of earlier boards. Also is there boards done exclusively for certain officer fields in the DC area as I was told. Please provide or email me..
This forum is awesome I thank you all for any info you provide.:confused:


"Chick Beer" drinker
Send a heads up to PilotPete24 , He recently took it and recieved a 70. He put together a study packaged for his recruiter to use for others. He will be able to help you.


New Member
Okay, as to the SlapHappy's post I didn't do too bad on the ASTB so if you want, I can PM you some links to study for it. On the other hand, I'm actually an SNFO applicant, not intel, so in regard to the rest of your question I'm sure there are many qualified people on this site to answer your question, as I can't. Best of luck to you!


Final Select - March 24

I am waiting for my final select for OCS, Intel Officer. I can't answer your questions regarding specific time frames, board dates, etc. But here is my time frame if it helps:

Early Sept - App sent to the board;
Nov 15 - App reviewed by board;
Late January - recieved notice that I was Pro Recced;
Early February - PRT, MEPs, sent back final paperwork;
Currently waiting to hear back for final select.

I wanted it to go a lot faster, too. There was some software upgrade snafu that pushed back notifications and such. Once your app is sent out you can have your recruiter check to see when it is scheduled to be reviewed by the board, or ask your recruiter when the next board dates are.