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OCS Liberty


Registered User
How does Liberty work during juniors of OCS PLC? When does it start? Does generally everyone get it? What can knock you out of it?



Hangar Four
OCS liberties start after the 3rd week (for Juniors you won't get many of them) and will run from Saturday afternoon to sunday afternoon...essentially 24 hrs give or take a few. Generally everyon gets it unless they are on some sort of probation or have firewatch during it. For those with firewatch they still get liberty but have to be present and in uniform for their shift....

You can get knocked out as much as you can typically squeeze into a 24 hour period. Shopping, sleeping, watch a movie, chase women (not very easy with no hair), study, get caught up on other stuff. Typically they will arrange acedemic tests to be taken immediately at the end of liberty.


New Member
They should get Saturday night and part of Sunday off starting in the third week. That being if they checked in on a Sunday, it would be 20 days from check in day.

Pretty much everybody will get it. There will be some limitations. People on light duty will get time off, but will be resticted to base. Same goes for those on company probation and duty platoon for the day. People on battalion probation will be restricted to the immediate OCS training area. Otherwise, if you're not on probation or light duty and don't have duty platoon or fire watch you're free to come and go until it expires.

Just taking a guess here, you're expecting to hear from your son. Everybody will have the opportunity to use a phone during liberty, even if they're resticted to the OCS area. Some platoons get done early in the afternoon, some go later into the evening before they get cut loose. Also if he doesn't have a cell phone there may be a big line for the pay phones or a wait to get checked into a hotel and use the phone. Either way, hope he's doing good.


Registered User
You are correct we are wating for a phone call this weekend. I am a little worried about the probation, he had a 224 PFT and said in a letter he was on probation for that. How long could probation last?


New Member
Probation can last the entire time you're there, or it may just be a couple of weeks. I don't know how the new CO is, but that could just be an issue of platoon probation or possibly company probation.

Anyway, he should be able to get some time to call regardless. It's when you get a call on a Tuesday afternoon you know things aren't going good.


While I went through under the last CO, probation could only escalate and could not be removed. However, the first level (platoon probation) is not that serious; just intended as a wake-up call.

I was placed on platoon probation initially for failing the run, with no consequences on liberty. Still, he'll still have time off.

Edit; good point; confused Platoon and Company


Platoon probation has no effects. Company probation is what limits you to Quantico. Battalion probation limits you to Brown Field.

Last summer when I was at OCS probation was permanent until the very last weekend when everyone was taken off probation and allowed to leave base (except LD's).