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OCS Rankings

USMC Philly

Registered User
I read in a couple of posts of candidates backstabbing each other to improve on their rankings within their class. What effect does OCS rankings have on you? I can understand TBS rankings affect your placement in the quality spread for MOS assignment, but I have never heard of anything changing b/c of your OCS rank. Please advise.


Dean of Students
Your ranking in your platoon/company etc. is based on your over all score, which is comprised of your academic grades, PT, leadership evals., and peer evals. Candidates do, on occasion and perhaps unwittingly, screw eachother on the leadership evals by not performing for other candidates who are in leadership billets. Peer evals, or "spear evals" are when you rate your squad numerically as a leader and a candidate. Some people get quite bent out of shape when they find themselves ranked near last out of the squad. The best remedy is to keep your nose the grindstone and push onward. I found that I was usually only sure of the candidates I rated near the top and the very bottom. The rest could have been anywhere in between as I hadn't observed enough to place them in any specific order (at least for the first eval).

Best advice: don't worry about this trash, even when you're down there. Give 110% and this will all work itself out.


Registered User
If you get ranked in the bottom three in your squad at ocs it will be a problem. at tbs no one cares where your squad leader ranks you except maybe for you yourself.


Hangar Four
Simple answer is that it doesn't affect anything as far as your career.

Is it nice to get near the top? H3ll yes. Will the staff hound you if you are near the bottom? Again yes.


Liable to get caught on a trip wire...
I was number 49 out of 53 in my platoon at OCS making me easily in the bottom 20 or so, and number 36 out of approximately 250 at TBS. I never failed a test and never failed any PT events. Do I feel I stood out at OCS? No, not at all, I just took the advice of my OSO which was get through it and don't hurt yourself. I can honestly say I gave 98% on all the physical tests and didn't hurt anything, whereas others who were much faster injured themselves. The goal worked, and I had my chance to do my best at TBS.


Marine Officer
Just wondering, do your grades from PLC Jrs. have any effect at PLC Srs?

Only in that if you performed well at Jrs, theres nothing stopping you from doing the same at Srs. But no, there is no carry-over, pre-ranking, or anything like that based on PLC Jrs.


Registered User
You reputation will follow you from school to school but your score will not. Don't take the reputation thing too lightly either. Once considered a dirtbag it's very difficult to shed that perception.



New Member
usmcecho4 said:
Don't take the reputation thing too lightly either. Once considered a dirtbag it's very difficult to shed that perception.

Just look at the people on this site who abandon their screen names to escape the aura they've created for themselves.