New Member
I was considering applying for OCS at the end of my EAOS, considering the fact that my PTS might not get approved. I had to learn the hard way, when you obliserv do not let your extention kick in if you plan on reenlisting. Furtermore, you will lose your prior PTS quota. I was wanting to know do I have a good chance of being selected as a civilian compared to someone enlisted. Also, do certain officer communities select based on GPA or the "whole person" concept. Considering my GPA is not all that but I have done plenty of volunteer work. Not to mention, I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan on a GSA assignment which I volunteered for and I'm 9 credits from completing my degree with Embry Riddle. I intend on having my degree prior to me returning from my deployment. I have a Flag Letter of Commendation and I will receive a Joint Service Commendation Medal at the end of my tour. I've also received a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the American Red Cross for volunteer work I did. I have LOR's from two O-5's, O-4, O-3, and one from one of my professors who use to be a AF figther pilot and is a business executive now. Hopefully, I can get a LOR from my unit commander as well. I was told this was a good source of information in regards to OCS.