Congrats. If there was only one peice of advice you could give to a poor sap going to OCS in February (me), what would it be?! (besides come in good shape)
Thanks guys!
Ken, there are a few things.
You nailed the first one: show up in shape. For the first four weeks, most of the interaction you will have with your drill instructor will be PT sessions. The better shape you are in, the less negative attention you will draw.
The other thing is memorize as much of that gouge pack from your recruiter as you can. You will have a pretty horrible inspection in your fourth week. The more you memorize before you show up, the better off you will be. General orders of a sentry, chain of command, rank structure, and navy and marine ranks will be good enough before you go.
Buy a good iron and learn how to use it before you go. This will be beneficial for your fourth week inspection.
Finally, realize that the louder you are and the more you hate yourself for doing everything you're told at OCS, the better off you are.