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I'm heading to PLC-C this summer and I'm trying to decide what type of bag to pack all of my trash in. One of my friends who graduated from OCC 190 suggested taking two seabags. He recommended putting all of my trash in one and having the other one to put your large and small bag issue stuff into. He said that several of the guys in his class had major problems (i.e. ripping) with the white laundry bags that the large and small bag issue come in. I've also read about some guys taking duffle bag type bags.

So, what are you guys and gals planning on using?


I brought a large seabag about 70% full to drag my stuff. I was able to put my linens in there (unlucky buggers without space had to use the blanket as a makeshift bag) but had the drag the laundry bags.

I'm probably going back with a sea bag for my civilian junk and a duffel bag for the issue items. The seabag honestly sucks for pickup as it's got a small opening. When you're standing on line with 10 seconds to grab **** you want that duffel that you can rip the side open.


OCC 193...SNFO
I plan on taking my college football travel bag to OCC 193. I figure if i could fit all my pads, helmet, uni, and still have a ton of space, it should be good to go.


F-bomb said:
Hrmmm...probably gonna try to de-stankify my hockey bag this weekend. Wish me luck.

Never been able to get rid of that overtime smell:D


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
One duffle/hockey bag is perfect. You will be able to fit everything you brought and everything you are issued into it and since it has a nice wide opening pickup will be less painful.


New Member
I suggest you check out marineocs.com. I've seen alot of talk about what to take and what kinds of bags and blah, blah, blah. Just thought I'd tell you since there's already been alot discussion about it over there. Not that I'm sure there isn't any here.