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Odd and Mildly Depressing Article


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator


Ron "Banty" Marron
NavCad -MarCad Class 14-61.JPG

No depression in P'cola this last weekend at the Museum...NavCad/MarCad Class 14-61 held reunion #1...fifty years!!

Bob, Larry, Al, Gary, John, yours truly...only Al, Gary, & I flew professionally...

Al (white shirt) a Viggie pilot...shot down late in the war, POW, lost his back seater...

Gary (on walker) flew Scooters in 'Nam, made O-6 in USNR, Flight Manager for TWA...

I'm in flight jacket, details in profile...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 10368

No depression in P'cola this last weekend at the Museum...NavCad/MarCad Class 14-61 held reunion #1...fifty years!!

Bob, Larry, Al, Gary, John, yours truly...only Al, Gary, & I flew professionally...

Al (white shirt) a Viggie pilot...shot down late in the war, POW, lost his back seater...

Gary (on walker) flew Scooters in 'Nam, made O-6 in USNR, Flight Manager for TWA...

I'm in flight jacket, details in profile...
Great photo, Ron! You're the ugly one, right? :) (Thanks for the phone call this morning, good to hear about the trip first hand.)



Well-Known Member
Banty, your jacket still fits.. I have a feeling at my 50 year OCS reunion.. (40 years away) it may be a bit .. Snug.


Registered User
How does the saying go? You can love the Navy all you want, but it will never love you back. Sooner or later we all get our walking papers. One of the first things my skipper told me when I got to the squadron was to make sure I was ready for that day.