New Member
I was wondering if the Navy requires a certain GPA that I have to graduate college with in order to be considered? I know that the Air Force requires at least a 3.0, so I wasn't sure about the Navy
I have a 2.91 GPA from UF and the AF was ok with that. I think the AF minimum is 2.75, ...it could even be 2.9, but my 2.91 was good enough.I was wondering if the Navy requires a certain GPA that I have to graduate college with in order to be considered? I know that the Air Force requires at least a 3.0, so I wasn't sure about the Navy
Sophmore year: 1.9 got a TR-4, started smoking, discovered wine/women and song...
Higher your GPA the better chance you have at getting selected,
use the search function
Useless responses really don't need to be put especially after someone already puts use 'search function'.
Geez, I must have missed the part of the FAQs that made you the Posting Police on what's useless and what's not. So, what do you think of A-4s response on this topic? Take him on, dare ya.
The minimum GPA to submit your package to the board for NAVAIR is 2.5 ...don't ask how I know.
2.5 is the minimum to commission from NROTC. At least that's what my adviser keeps telling me.