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Registered User
Funny story: The local recruiting station brought in a Navy F/A 18 flight simulator to our local mall...so I thought that I would try it out. Well, I am starting to second guess my career choice. I didn't crash once, not twice, but three times. To add insult to injury, a buddy of mine tagged along and not only survived but killed his target. I am going to hear about this for the rest of my life (which apparently could be signifacantly shortened). What the hell am I doing? :)

Hope all is well with everyone. I don't know about you guys but I am going to have nightmares for the next month.

Live well,



Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
Whoa buster! Ed, I didn't know you had such a sense of humor.

Did you hear about the Trauma Hawk hard landing down at Regional a few days ago? I wonder if that was one of our IFS guys.

Alex Fowler

Registered User
Same thing happened to me when I tried the flight sim at the Air and Space museum in DC. Of course I was doin a lot of crazy shit I probably wouldn't do in real life, so that's why.


"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"-U2


Registered User
I live in Chapel Hill, and am attending UNC as well. Curious, what mall had/has the flight sim? My wife works at Crabtree.

Thanks in advance,


Registered User
Adam...I am visiting my parents in Ligonier, PA. The mall was West Moreland Mall. I miss the Hill. Say hi to all the tarheel ladies for me (I miss them too).



Registered User
Hey UNC. How long have ya lived in Ligonier? That has gotta be one of the smallest towns that I've ever been in.

Dave Wahl


Registered User
Dave...it is a tiny town, but I love it. I have not been here long. My family spends our vacations here, so I am just here for the summer waiting for OCS. When where you in Ligonier? Kind of a neat town huh?

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