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OK now I'm worried

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Registered User
After a conversation that I recently had with E6286, while we were discussing the pre-comm physical, I had told him I had a -1.75 in my right eye to which I was informed that -1.5 is the limit for SNA's. My package was supposed to get sent from NRD Richmond today and I haven't been able to get ahold of HM1 Gammel (my POC). Considering that I got shot in the eye with a BB gun when I was 13 they looked my eyes over pretty thoroughly at MEPS, and my recruiter never said anything about my eyes being out of parameters prolly cause I read 20/20 at MEPS. I've been considering getting PRK or E-LASEK done ever since I read that memo from NOMI and I'm wondering if I can apply for a waiver while in the program (provided I get accepted). The reason I ask is because I know traditionally it seems that you have to apply for the waiver, wait three-six months and then apply, but I had some pretty strong letters of recommendation, and if I have to reapply I don't want to necessarily have to ask for those letters again...or can they be reused? Does anyone know if the whole package gets returned; letters intact? Sorry I'm rambling, but this is now a major concern of mine, and I plan on finding out some poop tomorrow.

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
I believe the letters are only valid for 6 months. I have been told that I will need to get new letters to apply in January. I may drop my application in November though, don't know where I'm gonna be on the letters at that point. But most likely you can copy the letters (put a piece of paper over the date and the signature) and then mail the letter (I would do a couple copies) to the person that wrote the letter with a return envelope and you will have a new letter of rec. If they need a date, get a type writer and put a date on it. I don't know where the integrity lies with this, but I don't see a problem with the practice.


Registered User
Ghost, they said they wanted go-getters that were hungry right? Unfortunately most of my letters were sent from the source to the recruiting command, although I have copies of a few of them, some are on file in the offices of the sponsors (ie: serial numbers of what have you). Damn this is alot of work.

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
I got dropped from USMC OCS this summer (NPQ'd, hernia required surgery) and was told I would need to re-apply to get back to OCS. My OSO told me that letters of recommendation are good for one year, so use them again if they are still current. Or delete the oldest and get a new one from that same person. I'm using my old ones again, b/c they're pretty strong...as far as the whole package getting returned, most likely it will be returned to either your OSO/recruiter or sent to some archives dungeon with a memo attached stating the disposition of your application. Med-Waviers are good for 6 months for new accessions according to my OSO.


Registered User
jet_ifr, so if i read your post correctly you were actually in OCS when you got NPQ'd right? See im still about two years out, and going for BDCP, the whole concern that I have is A if i get accepted into the program can i apply for a waiver? and B if i get denied will i get my letters back so that I can include them with a second package (waiver included)

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
jet_ifr, so if i read your post correctly you were actually in OCS when you got NPQ'd right? See im still about two years out, and going for BDCP, the whole concern that I have is A if i get accepted into the program can i apply for a waiver? and B if i get denied will i get my letters back so that I can include them with a second package (waiver included)

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
If you get accepted to the program you won't need to apply for the waiver before you get the surgery, but you might have to get permission from some authority prior to surgery. You'll be medically DQ'd for 90-120 days while your eyes recover from the surgery. Then you'll have to get medically requalified after the 90-120 day waiting period. Thats when you'll apply for the waiver, after the 90-120 day waiting period. From what I understand you can't get the waiver prior to the surgery b/c it's not a sure bet that you'll have 20/20 vision after PRK (95% probability you will), which is why you have to apply for the waiver after surgery. As far as the letters go, just get your recruiter to make photocopies of them for you before you submit your application.
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