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Old, But thinking of Signing Up


Registered User
After a half-joking conversation with some family members, I've given some serious thought to joining the Navy. I called my local recruiter, and got the (what seems to be standard) "Call me when you're reday to take the ASTB." and not a whole lot else. I've looked at some of the info on the test, and it seems pretty straightforward. I'm not really concerned about that. The thing that concerns me is the fact that I'm 29, I've been out of school for four years (Started late, and kind of goofed off) I graduated with around a 3.4 in Sociology, not really sure if that helps at all. The thing is, like I siad, I'm almost thirty, doing nothing with my life, and realize that I have way more potential than I am using on a daily basis. I've talked to a bunch of my good friends, who all seem to think that this would be a good thing for me to do, as I really need serious structure. I realize the age and school thing may be a hinderance, but I really want to do this. I'm pretty bright, very adaptable, thrive on new challenges and change, but I just need a good swift kick in the @ss every now and then. So I guess my question, after this stupidly long post, is what do you guys think? Is the age thing really a big deal, is it mostly dependant on test scores, should I just bag the idea all together? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, if you need more specific information about my situation, I'll gladly provide it. Thanks people


Age is a concern for some designators, most notably Pilot and NFO, and you're already out of that range. The default age limit is 35, but again some designators have stricter limits. Your best bet is to talk to the recruiter, tell him you're 29, and see what your eligible for first.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Study and do the ASTB, you get 3 shots and many (like me) dont nail the first time and have to re-take. Officer recruiters are different than enlisted so you may have to prove yourself a little more before they invest too much time with you or sound interested. If and when I get selected I will be 27 so im almost in the same boat as you age wise. The benefit of being older is your prt standards are lowered!


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Age is a concern for some designators, most notably Pilot and NFO, and you're already out of that range. The default age limit is 35, but again some designators have stricter limits. Your best bet is to talk to the recruiter, tell him you're 29, and see what your eligible for first.

Concur...and anyone in thier twenties is not old...:)


Like everyone else has said, go for it. The age may limit you in some ways, but there are plenty of designators that you can serve in that would be very exciting and rewarding. Good luck with this.


Registered User
Hey Guys, Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I figured Flight was out of the question, but Intel really appeals to me, so I may go that route, depending on what happens. I am a total newbie to all this stuff, even growing up in an Navy town. I really appreciate it, I guess I'll have to start boning up for the ASTB. Just one more question. How long does the whole process take? From doing the reading on these forums it seems way more involved than I thought. Again, thanks guys.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I know a few guys in my company that are going back to the community after they earn thier gold bars...they are all very enthusiastic about thier jobs and have pretty good stories as well.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Hey Guys, Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I figured Flight was out of the question, but Intel really appeals to me, so I may go that route, depending on what happens. I am a total newbie to all this stuff, even growing up in an Navy town. I really appreciate it, I guess I'll have to start boning up for the ASTB. Just one more question. How long does the whole process take? From doing the reading on these forums it seems way more involved than I thought. Again, thanks guys.
I am currently in school so my time may differ from yours.
I first made a call late Feb '06 to the recruiter who emailed me my application packet (astb info,application,epsq,etc). It took about a month to fill those out and email him them and about 3 weeks for him to review the sheets and call me back. From there I did the PRT in early May and June 3rd I took the ASTB. The next week (June 10th)I went to MEPS, however I have a hold until I get my ear cleaned. 3 weeks after the astb I got my results back and will re-take the test within the next couple of weeks plus I need to get my ear looked at again at MEPS. Applying does take time and sometimes the recruiter will take awhile to get back to you. Just be patient and pray you get selected!