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Old school PFT

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Now this is what I call a PFT, screw this piddly 3 mile crap, lets do 50 miles!!!
Found it on www.grose.us, don't know how true it is.
21 DECEMBER 1908
The following Executive Order is hereby promulgated for the information of officers of the U. S. Marine Corps.

1. Officers of the United States Marine Corps, of whatever rank will be examined physically, and undergo the test herein prescribed at least once in every two years; the time of such examination to be designated by the Commandant of the Corps so as to interfere as little as possible with their regular duties, and the tests to be carried out in the United States
between May first and July first, as the commandant of the Corps may direct, and on foreign stations between December first and February first.

2. All field officers will be required to take a riding test of ninety miles, this distance to be covered in three days. Physical examinations before and after riding, and the riding tests, to be the same as those prescribed for the United States Army by General Orders, No. 79 (paragraph 3). War Department May 14, 1908.

3. Line officers of the Marine Corps in the grade of captain or lieutenant will be required to walk fifty miles, this distance to be divided into three days, actual marching time, including rests, twenty hours. In battle time is essential and ground may have to be covered on the run, if these officers are not equal to the average physical strength of their companies the men will be held back, resulting in unnecessary loss of life and probably defeat. Company officers will, therefore, be required during one of the marching periods, to double time two hundred yards, with a half minutes rest, then three hundred yards with one minutes rest; and then complete the test in a two hundred yard dash, making in all seven hundred yards at the double time, with one and one-half minutes rest. The physical examinations before and after the test to be the same as provided for in paragraph 2 of this order.

4. The Commandant of the Marine Corps will be required to make such of the above test as the Secretary of the Navy shall direct.

5. Field officers of the permanent staff of the Marine Corps who have arrived at an age and rank which renders it highly improbable that they will ever be assigned to any duty requiring participation in active military operations in the field, may, upon their own application, be excused from the physical test, but not from the prescribed above. Such a request, however, if granted, will be regarded by the executive authority as conclusive reason for not selecting the applicant for any future promotion in volunteer rank, or for assignment, selection or promotion to a position involving participation in operation of the line of the Marine Corps, or in competition with officers of the line of the Marine Corps for any position.

"December 9,1908" (989)
Major General, Commandant


2ndLt Charlie Co TBS
Isn't that what they still do today in what was called the Crucible or S.U.L.E. II or whatever...more than 50 miles in 56 hours??? Of course not to that exact specifications, but more than 50 miles is required of all Marine enlistees and Officers, right?


Not quite, the crucible has been scaled waay back(ahem since I went through) and the OCS crucible was pretty much non-existent. We used to do a 20 miler at TBS but apparently that is vanishing too.
semper fi
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