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Old Schoolers Tee Off!!


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
Received the emails below from multiple sources; I never had a chance to check the Naval Aviation 100 website (http://www.navalaviation100.org/) earlier, but it seems that all evidence of the "timeline" that caused such consternation has disappeared. (Apologies for the formatting, and don't shoot the messenger...)

14 December, 2010

TO: Board Members, General Butcher, Admiral
McLaughlin, Capt Di Matteo co-chairmen and president 100thAnniversary
of Naval Aviation Foundation.

FROM: Dennis xxxxxxx, former Navy Attack Pilot.

Subject: Nonsense on your Time Line Website

Here's what's' predominately on your Current Time Line to name a

* First Marine & Navy female pilots? Wow!
* Female astronaut? Who?
* Female CO of a VAQ 34 EA-6 squadron...seriously?
* Assault on Grenada. A Great Naval combat ops?
* First Black Blue Angel? NO mention of the first Black
Blue Angel Team Leader?
* Blue Angel transition to F-18's? Really Significant?
* Humanitarian effort to Indonesia? Sierra Hotel.
Perhaps the Salvation Army and Navy should merge?
* Recovery of Apollo 11? Yawn?
* Mine laying mission Haiphong? So that was Vietnam?

From 1950-1972 basically nothing about Naval Air? Guess it
didn't exist. Naval Air must have secured for twenty years? The boys
must have been on "leave" partying down in Rosa Rita Beach and Olongapo?

* I guess you never heard about the Korean War and the
Navy's first jet combat operations, as in The Bridges of Toko Ri?
* Development of the Sidewinder Missile at China Lake,
one of the world's premier air to air weapon still being used today?
* Ever read an article by Capt Robert Rubel's "The US
Navy's Transition to Jets" detailing the courage and human sacrifice
Navy pilots endured transiting from piston aircraft to jets, from
straight decks to angle decks. Read it and put it out...if you dare!
* "1954 the Navy and Marines lost 776 aircraft and 535
men and never quit." No hi five's!
* Vietnam War, basically almost a decade of nonstop
naval combat air warfare. First time the Navy operated three or more
carriers engaged in continual day/night all weather cyclic combat
operations against NVN, SVN and Laos 24/7! Operated Red, White and
Blue carrier's schedules 0600-1800, noon to Midnight, Midnight to noon.
Take a look at the Navy & Marine aircraft loss rates, pilots killed or
captured and yet these men quit, never walked away or cried. No hi
five's here, much less recognition?
* The Marines flying from Chu Lai, Da Nang and other
fields in all kinds of weather, mountainous terrain with no fancy gear?

* "Ault Report" responsible for "Top Gun" (Navy Fighter
Weapons School) changing Naval air-air warfare tactics forever and to
this day, which by the way saved countless lives in naval air combat and
turned around a horrible kill ratio among F-4's. Too "macho" not enough
"Pink Bows and Teddy Bears" for today's navy?

* Creation of the Naval Air and Strike Warfare Center at

As a former Navy A-4 attack pilot with two Vietnam
Cruises, this whole current PC 'Cheerleading" Time Line on your website
is nothing more than a Disney World silly symbolism and girlie-man PR
stunt...nothing more. Worse, it's a basic slap in the face to the tens
of thousands of Navy and Marine aviators whom took enormous risks, gave
their lives, and demonstrated enormous courage under daunting conditions
to build what Naval Air has become today. Not this crap! You should be
ashamed of yourselves, if that's possible. It might be hard to admit
in today's highly charged political climate, but the current state of
Naval Air was not built by a few females or black pilots or some a
future gay or transgender pilot. You and Admiral Mike Mullen probably
can't wait to fill those important squares? 100 years of Naval Air was
built on the blood, sweat and toil of dedicated men. Looking at the
numbers, nothing much has changed?

Snap Out of it Ladies!


100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation - pushing

Naval Aviation Centennial website: http://navalaviation100.org/

The natives are restless!!..... and rightly so. Below are the
comments of one old Marine aviator to the Naval Aviation Centennial's
website. The PAO types who put this out are NOT Naval historians, to say
the least! Hope he has a stronger message to follow!!!!!!!

"This website is nothing but "PC Bullshit" brought to you by the
political class of Naval Aviation.
You look at the Historical Timeline for Naval Aviation and you
mention the first female Naval Aviator and first female Naval Aviator
astronaut... as being major milestones in Naval Aviation History?...
Bullshit! Yet there is no mention of Halsey, Foss, McCampbell, Korea,
Vietnam... on and on. Is there a single man on this net that feels
"Women's Contribution" to Naval Aviation poses any significant impact on
Naval Aviation History? No freakin' way!

I served with and under giants in Naval Aviation.... for 80
years there wasn't a woman in sight... two World Wars... then Korea,
Vietnam and a whole host of brush fire conflicts around the globe. Do
you honestly think that a Naval Aviator female astronaut's contribution
is as significant as John Glenn, Alan Shepard, Wally Shirra, Jim Lovell
or Neil Armstrong? Our POW's? Only assholes living and making a living
in the bowels of Washington would buy that bullshit.

When I think of the warriors and leaders we've had for a hundred
years... I can't think of a single damn female who'd be a nit on the nut
of a gnat in the scheme of things when you get down to it. Yet these
political hacks think that's important? Go pound sand!
When I think of the thousands of Naval Aviators who gave their
lives in combat and in furthering the envelope of flight... and these
jerks think a female getting her wings (after the standards were
waived)... and a female becoming as astronaut after that pool has been
diluted there as well... is significant? It's an insult!!!!

I just tore up my check I was gonna send in and encourage you to
do the same.
Probably the greatest compliment ever paid to Naval Aviation by
a civilian was Michners' great line in Toko Ri.... "Where do we get such
men"... Every Naval Aviator knows that line by heart... it made us proud
to be in such a select fraternity. And to be honest... we still don't
know the answer and there is no common thread other than the willingness
to serve and compete... it takes a special breed. We come from
America... we didn't get there through politics or political
bludgeoning... no one waived the standards for us... we did it and we
I'm gonna close with this... Naval Aviators come from America
that I know... But I can also tell you where they didn't come from...
From ass kissing, PC Flags and their lackeys who put symbolism and
Political Correctness... ahead of honorable Service and true Historical
Significance. This group is a farce."

Kiss My Ass... Shadow


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Damn, Dennis & Shadow, tell it like it is! Whether it's naval air, politics or history in general, Political Correctness is the disease that kills the truth, the spirit & everything else in the long run. Good, bad & ugly, naval air is what it is. Let's not glom-on all this other BS just to cover some committee's ideas of what will look good in Washington.


Ron "Banty" Marron
LOL!! Rx'd the same emails...probably two to four weeks ago...from a former squadron mate and "Old Schooler"!

