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One ridiculous question.


New Member
Yes this is a simple question that i couldnt seem to the find a definative answer to. Do you have to be accepted to a school with an NROTC program before sending in the NROTC application. This is what i thought but wanted to make sure.


New Member
When I got an nrotc scholarship 5 years ago, I received it before I had heard back from the colleges I applied to. So unless it's changed, you apply to NROTC apart from college and are accepted apart from college.
when i went through the process, i was already accepted to auburn university but my nrotc scholarship was approved for LSU (which i had not even applied to yet). i had to send in a request to change schools to CNET to go to auburn. so to answer your question, you can get the scholarship without being accepted to a school, but be careful with the schools that you list on the scholarship application because it isnt a 100% garuntee that the navy will switch schools.

Fezz CB

Short answer, yes. You need to be accepted to the school with the NROTC program (or crosstown). As far as applying, it doesnt matter if u get the scholarship before or after youve been accepted. But the 2 most important things is being awarded the scholarship AND being accepted to the college with NROTC. I was also awarded the scholarship for 1st choice school, but I wasnt accepted to the actual college. So i simply wrote a handwritten letter to CNET and switch the scholarship to my 2nd choice, which i had been accepted to. The rest is history.


New Member
No... Short answer is no... I applied for NROTC this year and am assigned to Duke University from which I don't hear from until Dec 15. You do not need to be accepted to any school before submitting the application, but you do have to be accepted before you can use the scholarship (i.e have them pay for your tuition).


Originally Posted by Fezz CB
Short answer, yes.

Originally Posted by bluedevil1027
Short answer is no...

Welcome to Airwarriors. ;)

In more ways than one...funniest part is that they think that they disagree...

General tip...it helps to read the other guys posts before you disagree with them...


livin' the dream
The best advice I can give you is:

1) try to get into the school that you most want to go to that either has a unit or is cross-town from one
2) try to pick up a scholarship and make sure your 3 choices include the unit of the school you want to go to

I go to GW, got my scholarship to Duke. The worse that can happen is you get on a waitlist to have your scholarship transferred to the school you want to go to. If it doesn't transfer, either go in College Program and try to pick on up in school, or go to a school where your scholarship is.

I didn't find out my scholarship had transferred until the end of July, so I was going in College Program.

I hope this helps!!



New Member
In more ways than one...funniest part is that they think that they disagree...

General tip...it helps to read the other guys posts before you disagree with them...

Hey now- didn't say I disagreed... I just said to answer his question [of whether or not you have to gain acceptance to a college before you submit the app packet] directly, the short answer would be no.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
To actually address the original question:

To be able to participate as an NROTC Scholarship Midshipman, you have to be awarded the scholarship to AND be accepted to said school. The order in which this happens can depend on your application process. For example: I had my scholarship in September of my senior year of HS, I didn't get into Purdue until October. My scholarship was also designated for Purdue. Make sure you apply to most if not all the schools you listed for your scholarship preferences.