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Opportunities for Helo Ops, SAR Mission


New Member
I'm a second year inmate out at USAFA, and was recently informed that the Air Force isn't going to let me fly becuase of a minor color issue -- i took the FALANT a couple weeks later and passed no problem, so now I'm looking into cross commissioning into either Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, and really don't have much information yet. The Search and Rescue mission really appeals to me, as does flying helicopters for any of these services. What kind of pilot training is required for the different services, etc, I know for AF I would train fixed wing first, then move on to rotors, and if I went Marines I would go through OCS, TBS, and then to flight school? I'm trying to gather as much info as possible about any of the three services, and opportunities/differences between them - any/all information and advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
There are those that commission out of the AFA into the sister services. Same w/ the USNA and USMA. If you were able to pick that up, and you went Marines, you'd still go to TBS and then to flight school (provided you were selected for SNA/SNFO).

The Navy and Air Force training is, on paper, basically the same except they use different aircraft. There are Navy/Marine guys at the AF Primary (and beyond) training bases and there are AF guys at one of the Navy training bases. And yes, fixed-wing, then on to helos, then the RAG to learn the actual model you'd fly.


New Member
Careful though. They've told us USNA guys that if we transfered to AF that we wouldn't be able to fly, so I'd just double check and make sure that you can transfer and fly. Good luck.