skidkid said:
He gets to decide whether to even submit your package
I'm completely baffled by people who believe this and perpetuate this way of thinking. If an applicant is qualified, who the hell is the OSO to decide that he or she does not rate to be looked at by the selection board? It infuriates me that we have these OSO's (a Capt or Maj usually) who through their own arrogance have more influence on selection than a board chock full o' officers.
If someone is qualified, submit their damn package. I'm not saying OSO's should recommend everybody with enthusiasm, but one single officer in a recruiting office somewhere should not have the final say. By deciding on their own not to submit an application, that is exactly what they are doing.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I certainly do not agree with it. Selection boards are there for a reason. If someone is just plain "Recommended" or "Recommended with Reservation" obviously there is a reason, but people who arbitrarily decide on the spot that someone is not competitive (I will say until I die that NOBODY can predict who/what will get selected on any given board) are doing a great disservice to their applicants.
This rant has now ended. Please exit to your right.
Edit: This applies given that applicants meet the minimum requirements and are eligible for whatever program they are applying for. People who don't meet the minimums can pound sand.