Can't find anything exactly like this here... or I suck. Anyway, I'm in the process of submitting my package, but just got a conditional job offer from a national security govt. agency. If I get into OCS I am not going to take the position, but I have time b/c the agency has to do this massive background check (4-6months). Part of it was an SF86 (MAKE SURE NOT TO THROW THIS AWAY AFTER YOU SUBMIT YOURS TO YOUR RECRUITER!!!!) and a polygraph test this Monday. I don't have any skeletons, but the idea of a polygraph is a bit heavy. I realize that the background check is not as extensive when applying to OCS, but b/c this agency is doing what sounds like a more intense background check, if for some reason I am dq'd from the job(can't think of anything), will this affect my Navy background check? Thanks.