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P-3/P-8 Community Disassociated Sea Tour Question


New Member
Hey everyone,

I tried searching the forums first and couldn't really find a direct answer to this question: In the P-3/P-8 community, are disassociated sea tours required for those that do not want to make the military their career? What about for people that want to leave active duty and do the reserve thing for awhile?

If disassociated sea tours are not required, can anyone list a few things (other than boat jobs) that you could do on your second sea tour?


Hey everyone,

I tried searching the forums first and couldn't really find a direct answer to this question: In the P-3/P-8 community, are disassociated sea tours required for those that do not want to make the military their career? What about for people that want to leave active duty and do the reserve thing for awhile?

If disassociated sea tours are not required, can anyone list a few things (other than boat jobs) that you could do on your second sea tour?

Typically your timing (Wings +8) will take you into the first year of your disassociated tour before your MSR, thus requiring you to take those or other orders after the end of your shore tour before you can get out... Thats of course not going to be the case if you go to grad school before flight school (moves you into the range of a DH tour for your 3rd tour based on timing) or go med down after wings while in the FRS (Doesn't start your sea/shore rotation while your winging counter is ticking down).

Things to do on your disassociated besides the standard boat jobs (Shooter, TAO, A-Strike, A-Nav, OPS Admin): GSA (if they exist then), C7F staff, 5th fleet staff, CSG embarked staff, Super JO tour flying P-3s (if that exists then), Overseas station pilot (if they still consider that sea duty)... Basically whatever the detailer/ community decides to offer you. You are somewhat in a position where you have to take orders and they know it. Depending on who you are, and how much of a golden child you are, what you want, and what the billets the detailer needs to fill- you may or may not get decent options when the time comes.


New Member
Thats of course not going to be the case if you go to grad school before flight school (moves you into the range of a DH tour for your 3rd tour based on timing)

I'm in primary right now, but just trying to collect some information. So if I already have a master's degree, how would that affect my timing? In terms of getting out at my commitment?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I'm in primary right now, but just trying to collect some information. So if I already have a master's degree, how would that affect my timing? In terms of getting out at my commitment?
Dude, you've got 8+ years before you have to make that decision. Nobody can predict what your timing will be 8 years out. This is not something you need to be thinking about now. You'll have plenty of time to ponder your options when you know what they are. You're asking an unanswerable question.



New Member
Gotcha, I knew assignments, etc. were unpredictable but I just thought career paths were usually pretty set in stone, depending on a few variables


Apprentice School Principal
I'm in primary right now, but just trying to collect some information. So if I already have a master's degree, how would that affect my timing? In terms of getting out at my commitment?

A masters degree is a check in the block for promotion to O-4. If you already have it and do JPME thru distance education, then you maybe able to get a tour at the Pentagon or other hard duty that may make your record a little stronger than some of your competition when you are up for command,
BUT (big BUT), none of that will mean squat if you don't "break out" during youtr O-4 squadron tour.

If you want to get out after your commitment then having a masters means nothing to the Navy.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
A masters degree is a check in the block for promotion to O-4. If you already have it and do JPME thru distance education, then you maybe able to get a tour at the Pentagon or other hard duty that may make your record a little stronger than some of your competition when you are up for command,
BUT (big BUT), none of that will mean squat if you don't "break out" during youtr O-4 squadron tour.

If you want to get out after your commitment then having a masters means nothing to the Navy.

Helolumpy is putting the cart before the horse:
Step 1: earn your wings
Step 2: make it through the FRS
Step 3: be the best aviator, divo & JOPA member you can be
Step 4: earn a breakout Fitrep during your fleet tour
Step 5: FLY during your shore tour, get a breakout Fitrep
Step 6: do the stuff above

-ea6bflyr ;)


I'm in primary right now, but just trying to collect some information. So if I already have a master's degree, how would that affect my timing? In terms of getting out at my commitment?

It won't get you out your commitment... You get winged, you are committed for 8yrs. Depending on whether or not you got your masters after commissioning but before flight school your career timing may be off to the point where instead of a disassociated tour, you roll into your DH tour because thats what the career milestone calls for at YG+11 (or whenever you are up for DH).


Well-Known Member
The main impetus for changing helos and props to 8 from 7 was so you couldn't extend a couple months to get out from shore duty.

That, and the two year obliserv for orders gets them essentially a 9 year commitment.

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