Nahgunna...Nahgunna...Nahgunna get any money anyway.
If you are an SNA awaiting training (i.e. IFS, API, Primary, etc), unless things changed, once you get orders to Pensacola, that is your new duty station. If your orders say TAD you should prob get them looked at by somebody in student control (or whatever it is called in the API building). Otherwise, you might have a SNAFU when you need to get to the next place on your training (Vance, CC, or NASWF) due to your TAD mess.
If you are winged and going to the FRS and your orders say TAD... well, you're gonna have to go see a different Voodoo priest for that one so he can sprinkle some ferrydust or something....wait....or is that the Witchdoctor? Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
EDIT: Im speaking from a Marine perspective so this might not apply to the Navy