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Permanent Retainer

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Registered User
I have a permanent retainer on my lower teeth. Does anyone know if NOMI will make me remove this in order to be a pilot?


Registered User
I've got a permanent bridge in my mouth and they didn't say anything. They'll just check it out and make sure its up to the really high naval dental standards. Don't worry about it. You really have to screw yourself up to get DQ'd. I broke my hand my senior year in college and they didn't care. Just remember these tips: Keep your good eyes, just say no to allergies, and stay away from drugs and suppliments.

Honk if you demand satisfaction.


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Supplements??? like what, creatine, protein anything like that???

Yup. Technically, all that stuff is a no go while in a flight status... "Technically"

Adrenaline Rush

Registered User
so i guess if you kick the supplements a period of time before the physical you should be ok.. i still dont see how can they fault you for taking creatine and protein, its the equivalent of eating a lot of red meat
o well its not up to me,, when i visited the marine oso office they had cell tech and nitro tech on their desks, go figure


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I've heard some explainations on why that stuff is less healthy, physiologywise, then you think. I'm not a doc though, and I don't remember exactly what it was the problem was, but it sounded official.

Basically, it's just one more thing that NOMI hasn't tested at altitude, so they can't say it's okay. What they do there is beyond me...it sure seems like there's been a long time to test tylenol by now...but what do I know...

Adrenaline Rush

Registered User
well it is true that after creatine is ingested it is broken down into creatinine (sp?) which is a toxin in the body, but then again alcohol is a toxin too , i doubt they could really test for it unless you had abnormal function of the kidney and liver


Registered User
I'm not going to gamble that. I do have a question for everyone though. I'm retesting tomorrow, and I feel pretty confident on the test (I hope I don't eat those words) But in the event that I'm offered a contract in the next couple months, would the Navy consider letting me may the expenses to go to P'Cola and get my flight physical prior to swearing in? I mean it would comfort me to know that I'm going to pass the flight physical before I sign away and leave everything. I know they used to have a program where the Navy paid for it and let you do all kinds of neat stuff, but that was cancelled, but if I offered to flip the bill would they consider scheduling me a physical?


Registered User
They don't let pilots take creatine because it makes you really dehydrated and can cause heart problems.

Honk if you demand satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
They don't let pilots take creatine because it makes you really dehydrated and can cause heart problems.

Honk if you demand satisfaction.

Yeah, I thought it was dehydration, but didn't want to put out bad gouge...guess I was paying attention.

Ghost, you telling them that you'd pay for the physical probably won't accomplish anything. Who would you give the money to? There's not really anyone to take it. There's no cashier in a clinic.

I think you're out of luck, unless candidates are given some sort of ID after they swear in at the recruiter. I guess the short answer is, no.


Registered User
Well I didn't figure they would allow a charge back on the physical, however; I could arrange all the travel to pcola to have one. I figure if they had a file of me having passed my flight physical, if something came up in a year that had me npq'd but was waiverable, it would make getting a waiver easier.


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Unfortuneately, it doesn't work that way. They're concern is not whether you were once qualified, but whether the Navy has put in any money into you yet. That's where that waiver guide becomes a bit misleading. There's some stuff in there that is waiverable once you've been designated. NOMI classifies someone being designated when they've had their flight physical at NOMI before API.

I had had two flight physicals (one was for doing an aviation cruise as a midshipman, the other for my precom physical), they still wouldn't work w/ me on a waiver for more than a year.

Not trying to be negative, just putting out the info.


Registered User
No I appreciate the info. I guess the other part is if I could talk them into letting me do it, I would be at peace of mind that nothing is wrong with me that I can't change. I don't know of any reason I would fail it, but you never know with that thing......


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I really wouldn't sweat it, especially if you've already done your Pre-OCS physical (that's MEPS, right?). I had a friend who did his Pre-com w/ me. In perfect health, but when he took physicals, he gets high blood pressure due to nerves. He got through it, but if you create problems out of nothing, it can be worse.

Also, keep in mind that just because you "fail" a "test," doesn't mean you're out. You can retake it. Sometimes things just go screwy. Don't always take a no at face value...a lot of times it's because people are lazy and just don't want to figure out what has really happened (and that's certainly not specific to physicals). I remember when I was in high school, I was 14 out of 250 (or something), but I was also in a magnet program, so I was 8 out of 40. I got turned down for my NROTC scholarship because 8/40 was outside the normal window. I called back and simply asked a question. Low and behold, when they heard the other number, I fit w/in their acceptance window.
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