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Pesacola ?'s for the Jarheads out there


New Member
I will be commissioned soon on a flight contract and my problem is that my hearing is borderline at whatever Hz in one ear (right at 25 Hz, had to retake my last audiogram to get it within regs). If I get dropped from flight school do they just stick me in whatever MOS is open or is there some selection based on ranking similar to what happens at TBS? I don't want to end up as a supply officer. Is it worth going to flight school or should I just go ground at TBS because I would be happy to get any one of my MOS choices there.

If anyone could tell me how they decide your MOS from Pensacola if you are droped, I would appreciate it.

-Former Sgt. Type


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
NEEDS OF THE CORPS decides the MOS for any attrites.

Try wearing ear plugs 24 hours before the test, that should get you through it by making your hearing more sensitive.
Good luck


Ask me about ninjas!
Skidkid is dead on with the earplugs idea. Having been a maintainer for four years before going to college, I've lost a bit of hearing to turbines, and I used to sweat the audiograms. I've done the earplugs trick for a few years now, as well as turning the damn volume of my music, tv, and cellphone down, and it helps a bit.

If you do get NPQ'd, or drop for any reason, this is what will happen: You will go to MATSG Officer Student Control, type a letter to the CO detailing what happened, and submit a reclassification package to HQMC. You rank your top 15 MOS choices, the CO adds his recommendation to the pile, and a message gets sent out. Then the waiting begins. If you're no longer waiting for a portion of flight training, you'll be assigned a stash job somewhere, in an attempt to get you some observed FITREP time. The current timeline is running 1-2 months for a new MOS, and any further wait is MOS/school/OJT/monitor-dependent.

Hope it helps.


Hangar Four
Gai is straight on...the only thing I will add is that if you DOR (drop your contract at YOUR request) then you get ZERO selection and they decide what to give you...this includes if you drop your contract at TBS...you won't be entered into the normal selection process and will be given the leftovers...


Ask me about ninjas!
That's not entirely true. The MATSG CO has the final say as to whether he endorses your reclassification message as 'Top Choice,' 'Top Five,' or 'Needs of the Marine Corps'. Of course, the Marine Corps always prevails, regardless of what Caveman says, but neither he nor the monitors at HQMC are looking to royally screw someone over. It's simple economics: They spent X number of dollars, getting you where you were in the pipeline, and if they provide you with an MOS that you want, then they get more of a chance of payback from you. I cannot speak for folks who drop their air contract at TBS (I didn't know anyone who did), but the people who DOR early have more options open to them, as they're probably still 2nd Lt's. This isn't to say that if you attrite or DOR that you'll get an infantry billet. Combat arms MOS's are extremely difficult to get, mainly because there is a certain career track you follow, and they don't want some 1st Lt being dumped from flight training into a rifle/tank company or battery XO billet.


Hangar Four
gaijin6423 said:
That's not entirely true. The MATSG CO has the final say as to whether he endorses your reclassification message as 'Top Choice,' 'Top Five,' or 'Needs of the Marine Corps'. Of course, the Marine Corps always prevails, regardless of what Caveman says, but neither he nor the monitors at HQMC are looking to royally screw someone over. It's simple economics: They spent X number of dollars, getting you where you were in the pipeline, and if they provide you with an MOS that you want, then they get more of a chance of payback from you. I cannot speak for folks who drop their air contract at TBS (I didn't know anyone who did), but the people who DOR early have more options open to them, as they're probably still 2nd Lt's. This isn't to say that if you attrite or DOR that you'll get an infantry billet. Combat arms MOS's are extremely difficult to get, mainly because there is a certain career track you follow, and they don't want some 1st Lt being dumped from flight training into a rifle/tank company or battery XO billet.

Ok, that might be new gouge (w/in the last 2 months) but it is specific to MATSG-21 because I know for a fact that at TBS DORs are entirely needs of the Marine Corps (which was decided at HQMC)...know many who got screwed that way...and even then I know guys who DORed up at Whiting in Primary who got needs of the Marine Corps w/in the last couple of months...now that could have changed BUT I would look into that further before relying on it too much...

when did you hear about this change at MATSG and how reliable are your sources? like I said I know guys who DORed since January and they got needs of the Marine Corps...


New Member
jamnww said:
I know for a fact that at TBS DORs are entirely needs of the Marine Corps

I'd like to hear somebody who is CURRENTLY at TBS going through the selection process weigh in on this one. When we started last January we were told the same thing, "Go ahead, drop your contract...somebody has to get the crappy jobs." When it came down to it, the people I know who dropped theirs ended up getting an MOS in their top five. And we're talking right around a year ago. So I'm curious how it's changed since then.


Hangar Four
Crowbar said:
I'd like to hear somebody who is CURRENTLY at TBS going through the selection process weigh in on this one. When we started last January we were told the same thing, "Go ahead, drop your contract...somebody has to get the crappy jobs." When it came down to it, the people I know who dropped theirs ended up getting an MOS in their top five. And we're talking right around a year ago. So I'm curious how it's changed since then.

I have heard the same from FOX company guys...but it can never hurt to et more up to date information...and the guys I know who dropped DID get the least desired MOSs ...


Ask me about ninjas!
Believe it or not, there was a Ground Intel grenade dropped a while ago. Three guys, all of whom had placed 0203 fairly far down their list, got the call that they would be heading off to IOC in July. They covered the spectrum as far as the CO's recommendation (1 1st choice, 1 top 5, one needs of the USMC), too. Most people seem to wind up with something in their top five, though, for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with people getting shat upon if they drop their air contracts before or during the POI at TBS. Why even take an air spot if you're just going to toss it away with basically no exposure to it? Oh, it was the 'only' way you could get in? That's BS.


New Member
gaijin6423 said:
I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with people getting shat upon if they drop their air contracts before or during the POI at TBS. Why even take an air spot if you're just going to toss it away with basically no exposure to it? Oh, it was the 'only' way you could get in? That's BS.

This topic has come up several times, just within the last year. There a lot of ins and outs and what-have-yous to the whole thing. I agree that people who knowingly take the contract JUST so they can get in deserve whatever they get. However, I also believe that some OSOs are 'doing (saying) what they gotta do (say)' to get people in. Cause you know, not every applicant reads this board to find out the latest 'facts'. In which case, I don't feel so strongly about it. On the other hand, someone who gets to TBS and realizes that they like it and they don't want to spend 1-3 years in training to do something they aren't that jazzed about should be allowed a shot at a decent MOS. But those are just my ramblings...


Ask me about ninjas!
Yeah, I think we're pretty much in agreement here. You just elaborated a bit more. I know a guy who just reclassed into ground supply who decided it wasn't for him after IFS. He thought he wanted to do it, but was, "A total abortion in the plane." His words, not mine. At least he made an effort to find out, and although IFS isn't anywhere near what flight training is, it IS supposed to help people figure out if Naval Aviation might be right for them. At least, it is in theory, anyway.

I'm willing to bet that many people who try to drop their air contracts at TBS fall into the category of what their OSO told them, though. But like I said, I didn't know anyone in my company who tried to drop either their SNFO or SNA spot.


New Member
Thanks for the gouge. Wasn't planning to DOR just wanted to make sure there was some chance at a decent MOS if they tossed me out of flight school.


Well-Known Member
Crowbar said:
This topic has come up several times, just within the last year. There a lot of ins and outs and what-have-yous to the whole thing. I agree that people who knowingly take the contract JUST so they can get in deserve whatever they get. However, I also believe that some OSOs are 'doing (saying) what they gotta do (say)' to get people in. Cause you know, not every applicant reads this board to find out the latest 'facts'. In which case, I don't feel so strongly about it. On the other hand, someone who gets to TBS and realizes that they like it and they don't want to spend 1-3 years in training to do something they aren't that jazzed about should be allowed a shot at a decent MOS. But those are just my ramblings...

Goes both ways Im sure. Theres probably more then a couple of guys who thought they were real hard asses and wanted the guts and glory of a Ground Combat MOS only to realize when they started getting their exposure to it they didnt.

Also I know of two guys out of my OSO that are contracted for Air only because we need to fill spots and they have no intention of actually going into Air after TBS. One of them wants Infantry the other I believe wants Intel. Just a little food for thought for any of you guys waiting to hear back from the board on your Air contract hoping to get one of those limited number of spots.