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Physical for Application

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Registered User
Hey all,

This is absolutely the best site I've seen for people applying for OCS - the information I've been able to glean is insane! Thanks for running a great site. :)

I do have one question though. I'm in the application process right now. Rec. letters, application, PRT, are all squared away, but I'm over on the Navy's weight standards. I'm 211 lbs in a 5'8" broad frame. When I was in NROTC @ Vanderbilt, I had no issues with the weight since they took a body fat measurement and I passed. However, my recruiting officer said they would reject me out of hand at the physical (MEPS?) with a weight above the quals. Now, I've been dropping weight like mad so I'll have no issues working hard to drop it, but I would also like to be timely in the application. Suggestions? Thanks in advance guys. :)


Registered User
That recruiter doesn't know what he is talking about. Just make sure you are under 20% body fat and you are good to go.


Registered User
I had the same problem, I'm 6'3" and 230

Damn! Your head's gonna hit the canopy in your F-14!


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Nah, he's got beaucoup de room. I'm 6' 2". http://home.earthlink.net/~gatordev/me.jpg

Edited by - gatordev on 08/31/2002 17:04:05

Edited by - gatordev on 08/31/2002 17:05:47
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