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physiology for midshipmen


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
OK I had my flight physical a couple weeks ago in Pcola and I'm pending a couple waivers that won't be a problem unless hell freezes over, but I'm hearing that I have to go back to PCola sometime to get physiology done. Is this true? For all the mids when did you go? I'd imagine I'd have to have it done for first class cruise, but what exactly does this entail?


is clara ship
You will go to your nearest ASTC unit and take physiology training. It consisted (for me) of a few hours of classroom instruction on different physiology topics, a little bit of hands-on experience with survival gear, a ride in the hypobaric chamber (only to 8k ft for mids), a brief swim using survival strokes both in and out of flight gear, a simulated underwater egress (not in the dilbert or helo dunker for me), a parachute harness drop into the pool, and finally a dynamic seat ride if you are planning on going to a squadron that flies ejection seat equipped a/c. Its not a big deal and can be done in a single day if need be (though normally 2 days I hear). I had mine done about 2 weeks prior to leaving for Lemoore on my 1/c cruise. Don't stress about it....even the most incompetent swimmers eventually pass unless they REALLY don't want to. Hope that helps


livin' the dream
I did it at PAX for my 2/c Cruise. The above is great gouge, and it's no sweat, you'll be fine!! The altitude in chamber is the same altitude of pressurization you get in a commercial airliner, and the swim is cake.

Don't drown! (jk)


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
OK so it's the same thing we basically did at CORTRAMID during aviation week, that's no problem. I had just never heard that we had to do this as midshipmen for aviation cruise. I did put aviation cruise as my first choice so I guess this is yet another thing to add to my to do list.


If someone with such great brick-like qualities as me can pass, your golden.

Just a word of advice: Make SURE your ankle straps for your seat are locked up right, bending down at 25,000 trying to fix one that popped loose when you hear the pilot say "ohhh shit" is NOT somthing you wanna hear on your first time trunk a Hornet.


is clara ship
If someone with such great brick-like qualities as me can pass, your golden.

Just a word of advice: Make SURE your ankle straps for your seat are locked up right, bending down at 25,000 trying to fix one that popped loose when you hear the pilot say "ohhh shit" is NOT somthing you wanna hear on your first time trunk a Hornet.

on that note, don't be afraid to ask the crew chief to help you strap in if the pilot seems busy/pre-occupied during start-up. It could mean your life (or loss of limbs) if you don't do it right. In addition to the GRU-7 checkout I got at NASWI (during my physio training) I also did a seat check out in the NACES when I got to Lemoore before going flying. If you can't remember how everything goes together when you actually get into the jet, ASK. Just some words of advice for later this summer.