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Pilot slots in 2005

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Registered User
Hey I was going to begin applying for a BDCP scholarship and wanted a pilot/NFO slot. I'm a freshman in college and I won't graduate until Dec. 2005. Can they still offer me an aviator postion with the BDCP even though they don't know how many slots they'll even have available yet?


Registered User
Im sure there are other already applying too. I would apply. There are a number of spots out there. Why not secure one?

Ed Williams

Registered User
i'm pretty sure that the BDCP program is only good for 36 months.... well then again, i guess you will be graduating within that time. Well, definately put in your app. Plus, its more cash for you.

Ed Williams

Registered User
i only got it for like 10 months, 36 would have been sweet. Plus, that time counts toward your time in servics for pay. So when you get commisioned, you will be an 0-1 with 3 years in. not a bad deal!


PLC Candidate
This has probably been beaten to death but...
Can you get into the BDCP program if you need a PRK waiver?


Registered User
I would also like to know the answer to this question you have DBLang. I haven't seen any posts on the PRK waiver with the BDCP program. I sure hope you can get a waiver through the BDCP cause I was planning on applying for it in a few months and I had PRK almost a year ago. If not, I will just apply to OCS later but BDCP would be awesome.

Ed Williams

Registered User
I knew a guy who was bdcp with a prk waiver, that was 2 years ago and i don't know if things have changed since then, but who knows.


Registered User
Remember you need to get off the huge waitlist for BDCP... One day I might get there... It's been 3 months so far! My recruiter told me maybe by early August, but we'll see..... It's a bummer, but I signed up to fly for the Navy, but BDCP would be an awesome perk.
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