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Pilot Vision

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OK heres the deal. I'm a senior in high school, and have been accepted as early decision to Embry Riddle. I hope to become a fighter pilot for the navy. I have 20/200 vision, corrected to 20/20. I am in good shape other than that, and willing to have eye surgary. Can my vision be waivered, or do i have to get surgary? I heard PRK surgary is allowed, but is it going to hold me back from flying a jet? And when is the best time to get the surgary done.



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Im going to Daytona Beach. How is the prescott campus? I heard its smaller, but just as nice.

Good luck at OCS


Science Project
Like Michael said, you will probably need to wait until you're 21. In addition, the procedures will be a lot better in a couple years.


Science Project
I hear a lot about the reputation of ERAU, but what are their placement stats? My sister is in a program at a state college which has placement guarantees with Skywest and Southwest (basically, finish the program with at least 800 hours and they'll hire you). She actually signed a contract with Skywest over a year before graduating. She also only spent about 50K (including all courses for her degree and all flight hours).

So yes, in about 3 years my little sister will be flying a bus and making about twice what I do.


Registered User
Alright, heres some advice from a recent ERAU graduate. i graduated in december 01 from the daytona beach campus w/ aero sci degree. If i was to do it all over again I would do do my basics (first two years) at a community college and get my commercial multi at a local fbo. reasons for this? first like michael said, it'll save a crap load of money on the flight part. Now im going to tell you some stuff that the school doesn't tell to prospective freshman. i worked the admissions, registration, and records dept dealing with transfer credits from other schools for three years when i went to school there. The GPA from the community college does combine w/ your riddle gpa. so why not get a 4.0 at a community college for two years, then come to riddle transfer over and have a 4.0 on the riddle diploma? not to mention save $50,000. also, you do NOT have to do all your flight training on campus regardless of what your admissions lady says. well let me take that back, that rule may be changing this year. in the past, the only rule w/ transfering credits in for flight courses is you must complete one flight course on campus. Just before you make any decisions or sign up at a community college make sure that ERAU excepts the course or you will be wasting your time. ERAU Daytona treated me very well, i loved my time there and feel like I got a GREAT education. The aircrafts are very reliable and the maintance dept is outstanding. If there was one thing that i hated w/ the area it was that sometimes you would have 100-200 vfr pilots in like 40 sq miles all trying to practice steep turns, lazy eights, etc. it gets quite hectic and you REALLY have to see & avoid. If you do your flight training somewhere else, say less populated area, not only is there less traffic, but ATC will probably stay w/ ya. extra pairs of eyes are always nice! Ive visited the prescott campus too, and i wasn't impressed at all, its fairly old, in the middle of nowhere, the airport isn't on campus (i hear that may be changing in the future though) i just loved it as a freshman, to wake up and walk 2 minutes to the flight line at daytona, unlike prescott where you have to wake up early and take a shuttle if you don't have a car to get to the nearby airport. Plus you can't beat doing your cross countries to KEY WEST or MARATHON! just think about it though, i would do the community college thing, make sure the credits transfer, transfer in w/a 4.0 and your commercial multi. this should probably save you over 50,000 in tuition, housing, food, etc. plus you still get the riddle name on the diploma and can still say you did some flight training at ERAU.
if anybody has any questions about erau or the campus' feel free to email me at Vballindaytona@msn.com



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i did all of my flight training at ERAU. Private --> CFII. Every single instructor that I flew with at ERAU did not do their flight training at the university. hell, most of them got their degrees in marketing, accounting, etc at local colleges. Most of them did their flight training at smaller fbo's, atp, spartan, etc. It doesn't matter where you get your flight training, Riddle, ATP, or from a sunday evening IP, every place is going to have good students and some crappy ones. so if an outstanding student comes out of atp and a crappy one comes out of riddle does that mean that the one that went through the riddle program is more professional? im not trying to slam you, like i said before i love what riddle gave me, but what all my class professors warned us about is entering the aviation world cocky, thinking riddle is the best, most professional, etc.

quote:If an interviewer really looks into your past what is he going to see? You got none of your flight training at this place. Then why did you come here and get an aviation/pilot degree?
if you look back on my post i didn't say to get ALL of your flight training somewhere else.

thats very true about your high msl experiences. but think about daytona. 50 miles away from the shuttle launch pads and the nasa restricted airspace crap, orlando intl airspace 15nm away, ADIZ to the other side, nas jax up above. im not trying to see whos balls are bigger, im just trying to show that each place has its benefits to flight training.



Registered User
i agree w/ pap on the southwest agreement mentioned above. i know for sure that southwests insurance minimums have to be above 800 hrs. maybe 3000TT and 800 Multi, that would be more like it.



Registered User
haha, truce.

just before sept 11 we had 230 instructors at daytona campus. we could only keep them for five months, then they were gone to the regionals. too quick of a turnover to just hire from within. actually as of this year, freshman won't be able to fly their first semester.



Registered User
i don't think pap or i were arguing whos flight training environment was worse, we were just trying to show the kid the advantages of each place before he makes his decision on where to attend.

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