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Pipeline Wait Time


New Member
Hey all,

As someone headed to Pensacola this summer, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the wait time roughly is to start the pipeline after reporting. Thanks!

Hopeful Hoya

Well-Known Member
This question pops up every few months or so, if you search around you’ll find a lot of good gouge on the topic.

To sum it up, you have a better chance of picking the weekly lotto numbers this week than projecting when you’ll actually start, despite what the SNA rumor mill will tell you.

Enjoy drinking, finding a new hobby, chilling with your bros, etc. Before you know it you’ll be working 12+ hour days in the fleet and wishing you were back in flight school. The grass is always greener...


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

As someone headed to Pensacola this summer, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the wait time roughly is to start the pipeline after reporting. Thanks!

Take my advice - don't sweat the wait time. Nothing you can do about it and once you get busy you'll miss the free time.

Truth be told, you're probably not going to have so much free time to do so little in so beautiful a place as Pensacola again. So my advice would be to take NIFE seriously, but hit the gym, hang out with your friends, and explore some of the most beautiful beaches in the country liberally. It sound like they have significantly sped up the time to train in Primary in both locations now and they've just made a bunch of syllabus changes that will also speed up advanced (if you go jets), so savor the time while you can.

Sam I am

Average looking, not a farmer.
The closest I ever came to being a professional golfer was my down time between OCS and API. 4 months of non-stop golf...went from being barely able to breaking 90 to shooting a 75 at The Moors, which is no longer in business. As much as some hate to admit, my golf game helped my career. At my first squadron I was on the Skipper's team every time...and yes that stuff matters. But like the guys above said, find something you like to do and enjoy the down time. Just like every other has-been, I can't believe how fast 20 years went by.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
... The Moors, which is no longer in business.
Which was about a mile south of Bagdad OLF- which is also no longer in business. (The eastern apex, next to the garbage dump, is the only thing left but you really have to know exactly where to look and exactly what you're looking for to pick it out.)


Well-Known Member
as if to illustrate the point further

was sitting helping some friends chair fly some stuff last night as they will wing in about a week. after we got through that we went outside to chat and have some whisky and we were talking about and waxing lyrical about flight school. we got to talking about pensacola and talked about what an unusual time that was in our lives and how lucky we were to get to be in a place with so much natural beauty with so few responsibilities and a steady paycheck. we were basically professional beach bums in a way. i say just hang out and enjoy it man. the pace will pick up before you know it and you'll be missing the easy days of knocking back cold beers on perdido key. have fun!


Well-Known Member
By the time you make it to advanced-- where I'm at right now--you'll learn a ton but feel a bit broken down. Until then, enjoy your time off, enjoy your time training, and learn and experience a lot - both professionally and personally. Flight school will take you from a boot ensign who doesn't know anything about flying to becoming a winged naval aviator or flight officer who has it (mostly) figured out. It's a big transition. Embrace the vacation you'll get in A pool.

Sam I am

Average looking, not a farmer.
You want to talk about thinking you got it wired and not knowing jack-shit, my first flight as an IP. Jesus. H. Christ. There was absolutely ZERO instruction place...it was straight up survival! lol That probably had a lot to do with the fact I only had 600 hours total time (was one of the last Phrog pilots...spent the last 9 months of my first fleet squadron flying a desk. And the 6 months prior to that we were lucky to get mins. Anyway...baptized in fire...or lava...or something else that was really hot.