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PLC and USMC Reserves


New Member
Guy at my school is joining the Marine Corp Reserves (enlisted) with the understanding that he will be able to get a 100% chance of getting accepted into PLC a (aviation). He also thinks that he won't be liable to be called up after enlisted boot camp, he is going infantry and also thinks he won't have to go Infantry school after boot camp, he can come right back to school a day after boot.

I don't know who he talked to, but is he getting suckered to fill low quotas in the Reserves. Seems to me that you don't need to be enlisted to be eligble for PLC, grades, PFT, and the other stuff would help you.

Sounds like an enlisted recuriters twisted the facts to fill a void that he is has and now this kid might be making a bad move to start off his career.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that has been told the same thing, I have tried to talk him out of it... Anyone have any advice? There isn't any anti-call up guarantee right?


Back at last
A guy I rowed with in college went into the reserves with the same ideas... ended up going into Falluja the first time during his 2nd year at school. he made it back okay and is currently at TBS. They will tell you quite a bit IOT get you to enlist. Its not a bad path, but figure that there is a decent chance you will get called up. These days, guarantees like that are hard to come by.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
But even if he still gets into the reserves and through college without getting deployed, it still doesnt necessarily mean that hes guaranteed for PLC avaition.


AV-8 Type
It's an excellent route, one I highly recommend. It's the one I chose. However, there is no guarantee he won't be deployed or that he will get into PLC. It will improve his chances I believe for a PLC contract, but once again not guarantee it. As far as not attending Infantry School right after basic, that's true. We had several guys in my unit that couldn't attend because of a school commitment, they were called 96 day reservists. They went to infantry school the following summer (in between semesters at college). I went ahead and knocked them both out (basic and infantry school -- not the 96 day reservists) back to back and started college in the spring. It's an excellent opportunity for sure (reserves to PLC), but no guarantees I don't think.
jboomer said:
It's an excellent route, one I highly recommend. It's the one I chose. However, there is no guarantee he won't be deployed or that he will get into PLC. It will improve his chances I believe for a PLC contract, but once again not guarantee it. As far as not attending Infantry School right after basic, that's true. We had several guys in my unit that couldn't attend because of a school commitment, they were called 96 day reservists. They went to infantry school the following summer (in between semesters at college). I went ahead and knocked them both out (basic and infantry school -- not the 96 day reservists) back to back and started college in the spring. It's an excellent opportunity for sure (reserves to PLC), but no guarantees I don't think.

Actually called 92 day reservists. It is a great program and one I did. I did it to get an idea of the enlisted side of the house, get my PEBD and Retirement date bumped up and to get in good enough physical shape to get through OCS. You will not have to go to your MOS until the next summer which I went to OCS instead of MOS school. The minute I got back from boot camp I sent my package in for OCS. They used the PFT score that I got at Parris Island and I got accepted in the first boards in I believe Sept. 04. In order to get called up to activate they must send you too MOS school and MCT (for me, SOI would be for an infantry guy.) My reserve unit was already in Iraq when I got out of boot so they did not need anyone else. I thought at the time that because I was already accepted into OCS, that I could not be called up. I have learned recently that this is not true, (as it said in my paperwork) but most units will not activate you because making you an officer is for the good of the Marine Corps.

You should know all the facts before you get into a program like this. Becoming a reservist puts you in a MOS with a specific unit. He can check to see if his unit was already deployed recently or if they are going to deploy soon. This could weigh into the decision. It will help selection into PLC-Air (the contract I had,) but is not a guarentee.

Just trying to give useful information. I loved the reserve unit that I was stationed in for 22 months before getting commissioned. I learned many valuble things including on-the-job training for my MOS. And after you go to OCS you are then classified as Undeployable while awaiting to graduate and receive your commission. Good luck in all aspects.

Lt. Dan