Hanging out in K-Vegas.
Is it possible to go into the PLC program under a ground contract and then apply/switch to an air contract between the two PLC sessions? If it difficult? Im thinking of signing for PLC ground, going through the first session in June, having PRK afterwards, using the next semester to boost my GPA, and then applying for air in december for the following summer session. My recruiter said it was *possible*...but then I've heard of alot of *possible* things that people enlightened me about where it turned out that it wasn't as likely as it originally sounded. The reason I'd prefer to go ground now and then switch is because barring death, disfigurement, frontal lobatomy, or PRK-related blindness, I WILL...someday...make SNA, and it can't hurt to have more experiances, make a few connections, or develope another leadership roll that I can put down on my air application. If I'm going to do it, I might as well do it to my advantage right? What do you guys think?