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Registered User
For all those who have been to srs recently, I am going back this july and i was wondering what the attritions were like last year. Did people get booted for performance mostly?


Alpha Co '04
Quitting, getting hurt, and some performance. There were in fact cand's that made most of the way through, but because the S.I.'s just despised them, they made it so hard for them that they either quit or just didn't make the grade. Now don't get me wrong, the S.I.'s had good reasons in most cases for not wanting them to succeed. You had to give it to some of those candidates though for putting up with the sh*! that was dished out to them. That alone was pretty admirable, but in the long run, if you don't have what it takes, and the enlisted staff generally knows, you shouldn't make it. That's there perogative. On the other hand, there were some that I didn't feel should make it but that did, and others that had great potential, but who just quit. So, what they will say is this, just focus on doing your part, which is performing, and let the staff evaluate. Never quit, and always be at you best. Six weeks is a short amount of time to hurt a little.


Registered User
thanx a lot for the comment. Quitting would be about the furthest thing from my mind. I just figure as long as I am locked on with knowledge and in good shape physically i should be good to go. I just was just interested in the recent experiences people have had there.


Registered User
How many guys got dropped because they couldn't run worth crap?

I have to ask as I'm fairly certain i'll get bronchitus again, and my PT will head south.


PLC Seniors 2nd Incr.
At Seniors will we buy a new Large/small bag? As well as what if our cammies no longer fit us, will be able to purchase new ones? How about boots that no longer fit?
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