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Please help me find the answers?!?!

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Registered User
Hi everyone! I'm posting a list of questions about topics my family is concerned about. If you think you can help, please take the time to answer any and all questions that you can. Frumby, Grunt... your input would be greatly welcomed.


1)What happens if a person does not successfully graduate OCS on the first try? Does the Navy automatically roll you over into the next class or can the Navy unilaterally decide that you will be required to become non-commissioned enlisted personnel?
2)How often can a candidate repeat OCS if roll is permitted?
3)Is there a specific age at which an individual is no longer allowed to fly as a pilot or NFO for the Navy?
4)At what point(s) in the program can a person drop out and receive a discharge without adverse description? i.e.:
B.During OCS.
C.During Flight school
D.After flight school if they wash out.
E.After flight school if they pass but the position applied for is no longer available.
5)What is the OCS failure rate?
6)What is the flight school wash out rate?
7)Is there any cutoff in attending flight school based on OCS standing? Can one pass OCS and not be accepted into flight school?
8)What effect does college GPA have on career opportunities in the Naval Air?
9)If the Navy fails to honor terms of contract what are an individual’s options?
10)If I sign a BDCP contract and receive monthly payment from the Navy while attending college, are there any circumstances under which I would have to repay the money?
11)What happens if your GPA falls below that required for the BDCP?
12)How long after receiving the contract do I have to accept or reject? Are the terms negotiable in anyway?


Registered User
7)Your class standing in OCS does not have any affect on you attending flight school. So long as you have an aviation guarantee you will start your flight training after graduating from OCS.
9)If the Navy does not honor the terms of your contract then you can request to be released from the service.
10)This is from my BDCP contract
"That, in the event that I fail to complete satisfactory the requirements for the appointment to commissioned grade for any reason other than physical or request disenrollment from BDCP, I will be administratively reduced to paygrade E-3 and will normally be required to complete recruit training and serve 24 months in an enlisted status."
12)The terms of the BDCP contract are not negotiable.
Hope this helps.


Registered User
While you are in OCS you will be graded on several different events. 8 academic tests, 2 personnel inspections, 2 Room, Locker and Personnel inspections, & the Navy PFA. If you fail an event you will be given a second try. If you fail the re-exam/inspection, you will go to a progress review board and will be rolled to the next available class, depending on their point in training and their class size. So you may not roll to the very next class. If you fail one event and pass the re-exam, you are "on the bubble", meaning you can roll if you fail any subsequent event. That decision is made by your class team(DI, CPO, and Officer). As if things aren't confusing enough, it is possible to fail more than one event and remain with your class. It is also possible to fail and roll more than once. If is actually difficult to fail out of OCS if you are determined to get your commission.
As far as dropping, that depends on your contract and how you came to OCS. If the Navy paid for your college, then you will owe them time whether you get commissioned or not. If they did not pay your college, then you can drop at any time during OCS without any enlisted obligation. They tell you they will not let you Drop On Request until after the 4th week. This allows you to get over the initial shock of life at OCS and get into the hang of stuff. At any point you can DOR and they will begin to process you out of the Navy. This processing may take a couple of weeks. Also, if you get to OCS, and are determined to be Not Physically Qualified (NPQ) for your designator, you will be given the option to redesignate or to get out of the program. Once you are commissioned and into flight training, you can DOR from flight training, but the Navy will find another way to employ you for the duration of your obligation.
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